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Planning Your College Success

Choosing a college is a VERY important step and investment into your future. For many, this is the first truly major decision you make in your life. You owe it to yourself to spend some time planning, researching and selecting the college that is the best fit for YOU! Here are a few tips to assist you in planning for your future.

The Jefferson Awards Thinks Big

At the Jefferson Awards Foundation, we believe the fabric of America is individuals making a difference. We also believe in the incredible capacity and spirit of young people – who in their natures THINK BIG and see the “why” instead of the “why not”.

Stay Sharp Over Summer

Do you want to lose your math or reading skills over the summer? Decades of research confirm that summer learning loss is real. U.S. high school students lose, on average, about a “month” of math and reading skills during their summer vacations. Yikes!


This is a story about a quiet strength that ushered a young man's journey into the 2015 NFL draft.

Preventing Hazing on Your Team

The first step in preventing hazing on your team is to understand what it actually means. Many people think of “hazing,” only in its most extreme forms, such as pressuring new players to engage in dangerous activities as initiation to the team.

The Power to Take a Stand

Last month, communities around the country celebrated PowerTalk 21® day on April 21st — the national day for parents and kids to talk about alcohol. But just because PowerTalk 21 day has passed, doesn’t mean the conversation is over.