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League Takes Initiative to Host Lady Giants

Engagement Insider

NEW YORK, NY November 8, 2013 – The New York Lady Giants got engaged with football this week during an innovative Women’s Initiative at the National Football League’s headquarters in New York City.

Hosted by the Player Engagement (NFLPE) department at the NFL’s Manhattan offices, the 11 lucky ladies were treated to a variety of activities ranging from programs and panels to lunch and lounges.

“We continue to advance the important role that women play in our League by conducting unique events like today,” said Troy Vincent, Senior Vice President of NFL Player Engagement. “We are proud of the progress we have made this year, beginning with the addition of the Women’s Resource Initiative (WRI) section to our NFLPE website (, and also inviting spouses for the first time to attend our programs, as well as numerous other initiatives.”

This female focus was on display yet again yesterday, as the women were welcomed to Park Avenue with Gift Bags, and then started to learn more about the League.

The first forum featured Player Engagement programs, Cigna/Aon Hewitt with insurance and healthy lifestyle, Dr. Johnson and her role with the team, and NFL Benefit plans.

“It was a great way to get access and learn about NFL benefits,” said Marva Hanks, a panelist and the wife of Merton Hanks, Vice President of NFL Football Operations and a former San Francisco 49er. “These meetings are now a movement to educate today’s players, spouses and significant others about how the NFL is helping them transition into civilian life.”

Having been involved in the NFL since 1991, Hanks knows these benefits well, adding, “Player Engagement representatives covered a lot of information, from wellness care to educational opportunities.”

Hanks then brought her years of NFL experience to a “Player Lady Giants Panel,” where she joined two other wives of former players – Leilah Tyree and Lisa Kerney – to discuss transitioning from the NFL, with thought-provoking questions such as “Did you have a plan?,” How difficult was it?,” and “What are you doing now?”

“We tried to cover it from a generational perspective,” said Hanks.  “I was excited to have access to this particular demographic, and very passionate because this is my peer group, so I want them to do well and change statistics that they have about athletes’ families, and see their successes in life after the game. It was a great privilege to be asked to share my story. 

Another who shared her words of wisdom was Leilah Tyree, who prepared for her panel by creating four key messages for those in transition, which included:

-       Although transition can present challenges, it’s important as a wife to pray and exhort your husband and be his crown even afterward.

-       Transition became a refining tool in our marriage as we went from the NFL back into normal society, similar to those leaving the military.

-       Don’t underestimate the importance of preparing for transition as you leave the NFL limelight and are left with the reality of life.

-       The salary cut will be one of the first noticeable culture shocks, so be able to humble yourself and live simply now as you will after. 

“You can get lost if you did not plan ahead for the reality of your life moving forward after the NFL,” said Tyree, who added that she has always told her husband, Super Bowl Hero David, that “I could eat Porterhouse with you or peanut butter & jelly with you,” which she sees as the substance of their relationship.

After this session, it was time for a luncheon that was served with a helping of Style Lounge/Teens & Health and Wellness. Then the day closed with a tour of the facilities, complete with an Officiating Department presentation.

This event, which also featured participation from Giants’ Player Engagement team representatives, is in addition to individual team initiatives with club Player Engagement Directors. For instance, during September, the Oakland Raiders, Indianapolis Colts, and Jacksonville Jaguars each hosted women’s luncheons with themes of educating attendees about all the benefits provided by the NFL.  

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