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Tackle Your Summer Goals with These Three Easy Tips

By Tonja Ward
Engagement Insider

So about those New Year’s resolutions…are they but a distant memory?  Good intentions that were lost, forgotten or abandoned in the busyness of life?  And now with summer is busting through door, the would’ve, could’ve should’ves can get you down.  But who says January is the only time to make changes and set goals?  We can tackle our goals and be ready for the summer cook outs, pool parties and reunions with these three easy, can-do tips:

  1. Focus on ONE goal at a time. That means taking the “s” off of GOALS and making it one meaningful goal at a time.   Author Tim Elmore writes that what you focus on will expand and that although you can do anything, you can’t do everything.  So break the larger goal (e.g. weight loss, working out more or positive thinking) down to one attainable goal (e.g. drink more water, go for a walk or listen to positive music). Then since we are creatures of habit, create a routine around this one goal with reminders and celebrate whenever you are victorious.
  2. Review and Update your goals all summer long. Even after you start with goal #1 don’t stop with that one.  Resolve to continue setting or updating goals on a weekly or daily basis.  So if you start out walking ¼ a mile three times a week then up it to ½ a mile four times a week. Keep in mind that with total wellness you can set goals in all areas of your life - relationships, spiritual, charitable, etc. - not just the regulars like health and fitness, finances, schooling and career. Just don’t skip the exercise (no pun intended) of setting goals!  

    "… the tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream... It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin."

                                                                              - Dr. Benjamin E. Mays

  3. Share your goals and get input on how you’re doing. As football supporters we know that the blindside is as the area outside the quarterback’s vision.  Well, many times that thing we need to work on is sitting right in our blind spot.  So ask someone who is around you on a regular basis, and knows you well, like a family member, trusted friend or co-worker, to be your left tackle and tell you what they see.  It may not be what you want to hear so, be ready to receive the input without being defensive. Remember you asked so you can become a better you.

This may sound too simple or ineffective, but in an age where multi-tasking rules our lives using this type of laser beam, deliberate focus with community support is an effective and efficient way to get lasting results. Give it a try.  YOU CAN DO IT!!

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