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Legacy Beyond the X’s & O’s

Engagement Insider

Webster’s dictionary defines legacy two ways:   1. Money or property left to someone by a will 2. Anything handed down as from an ancestor. The definition is pretty straight forward. The question we need to examine is what generation are we looking to have our legacy impact?

When you become a part of something bigger than yourself, you have to decide early on what your contribution will be. Will your life’s work live beyond you?  The “something bigger” can translate as family, community, church, or a company, just to name a few. Our legacy is not limited to impacting just one but many. There are aspects of legacy that are inherited based off of what was done before you, which can be good or bad.  It is important to be able to distinguish between the bad and the good, so you may decide what you are and are not willing to pass along.


Let’s focus on family, because if we establish strong legacies for our families, we lend to the legacy of our communities, churches, companies, etc. How do we establish strong legacies for the future generations?  Here are three building blocks to establish a solid foundation:

First, we must commit to letting go of learned behavior that has had a negative impact on prior generations, even if they won’t admit it!  This could be challenging if your family is rooted in strong family traditions. Nonetheless you must move forward in this step.

Second, we must identify our weaknesses, and acquire the necessary knowledge and tools to overcome them. Your weakness only makes you weak if you refuse to address it.

Third, don’t allow pride to prevent you from asking others to show you the way. Seek out examples of what you aspire to be. To win in life, you must be a student of it. Use every situation as a life lesson, a teachable moment. If your children see your willingness to learn and make corrections, it becomes a way of life for them.

You don’t want to be defined by what you do, but by who you are. That’s your legacy. That’s what you pass along to your children, and their children, and their children, etc. You get the picture! One more important note to strongly consider, legacy passes forward, not backwards. Ensure you take responsibility for future generations. Often we are lead to believe we are responsible for the generation that was supposed to be responsible for us. That should not be the case! If we allow legacy to move in the wrong direction, what will be left for future generations? Decide today to leave your children a legacy beyond the X’s and O’s.

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