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Ericka Lassiter: Life Beyond the Gridiron

Insider peek at player’s wife and her real life

By Shelley Barrow
Engagement Insider

The world of the NFL is vast, yet extremely small. There are few women who understand the blessing of millions of dollars, the agony of defeat, the pain of injury, or the perils fame; all for the love of a game.  When I sat down to think about the Women of the NFL, I was bombarded with faces, stories, journeys, careers, and perseverance.  Although our journeys may be different, as wives and mothers, our desires are very similar.  We come, we go, we move, we meet, we cry, we laugh and we love.  We love our husbands, we love our families and sometimes if we are not careful we forget about ourselves….due to our commitment and ability to SACRIFICE.

It is about nine pm in Scottsdale, Arizona; Ericka has had a full day to say the least.   With one son recently released from the hospital for a Sickle Cell episode, a nephew of whom she has legal guardianship in the hospital recovering from Chrome’s disease surgery, to her sister, her main source of help recovering from surgery as well, she is beyond busy. Early to rise, boys off to school, then off to the hospital to check on her sister, then across town to another hospital to spend the entire morning with her nephew and doctors, pit-stop to try and fit some work in, back to the hospital, then home to do homework, cook dinner, clean up, and then pass out.

Ericka is the mother of five, wife of former Arizona Cardinal, Kwamie Lassiter, Realtor, Philanthropist, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., and the President of Off the Field, the official NFL wives organization.

By the time I spoke with Ericka, it was midnight.  I thought I was tired until I began to listen and I was utterly amazed by her story.  I know what it is to have multiple kids and multiple issues with little to no help.  Ericka is not only holding it down at home while her husband travels working football camps, but she is a trailblazer.

A native of Newport News, Virginia, and an honors graduate of Norfolk State University, Ericka always dreamed of two things: to be a mother and to be a CEO of sorts.  She has done exactly that, by giving back to others in need, being a top realtor, and running an organization of over two hundred high profile women.

She made a statement that is characteristic of how many of us find that inner drive: “I did not know I was poor until I went away to college because my mom made sure we had! We traveled, even if it was local. We were exposed to change and creativity and lots of fun.  We may not have had a lot, but we had each other rooted in love!”  Her mom instilled in her, to never give up, don’t ever stop dreaming, don’t take no for an answer, and there’s nothing you can’t do or accomplish if you believe in yourself and trust God.  Sadly, Ericka’s mother passed away within the last few years, but her words and constant encouragement lives on.

Ericka has learned to not only stay afloat but to develop endurance for the race.  Her life as the wife of a professional athlete in the NFL has had its challenges. Understand, a draft pick is a far cry from an undrafted free agent, which they were, but it did not stop them.  Creating a safe and secure environment for her husband to flourish and succeed was her goal.

She still wanted more--the satisfaction of seeing people happy, providing hope to the hopeless, and giving back.  With, Off the Field Wives Organization she strives to keep women involved.  She strives to get past the stereotypes that society and reality television has placed on professional athletes’ wives.  However, the sisterhood that been forged and the bonds that are shared, far out-way the misconceptions that are bestowed upon us.  Her heart’s desire is to inform new wives of the pitfalls and how to avoid them.  She advises them to plan for the future, knowing that transition is your new best friend.  Her advice: Take advantage of all the NFL Player Engagement Programs, spend less, save more, find out what YOU want to do, and be prepared because all good things must come to an end.

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