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NFL Health and Safety Update: Former Players Become Ambassadors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

NFL Health and Safety Update - May 16, 2013

More than 50 former NFL players participate in USA Football’s Heads Up Football Ambassador clinic

More than 50 former NFL players, including LAVAR ARRINGTON, KEITH BULLUCK, MERRIL HOGE, HARDY NICKERSON and JAKE PLUMMER, were back on the field at Lucas Oil Stadium last week to become trained as Heads Up Football Ambassadors. They participated in clinics that reinforced tackling fundamentals aimed at reducing helmet contact.

"The unrecognized concussion is really what puts kids most at risk," said DR. GERRY GIOIA, a concussion specialist with Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC.

Gioia was on hand to show the former players how the Heads Up program also educates coaches and parents about concussion signs and symptoms.

USA Football Executive Director SCOTT HALLENBECK addressed safety matters. "What we expect long-term is to actually change the culture of the sport. Parents are coming to us already who have experienced Head Up Football and they're saying, 'Thank you. You're making me feel more comfortable.'" 

The former NFL players will work with youth leagues across the nation this fall as mentors, lending support to the Heads Up Football program and reinforcing a culture of safety in youth football.

More than 1,190 youth football leagues across the United States representing more than 240,000 players and 35,000 coaches have adopted Heads Up Football.

For more information on Heads Up Football, click here.

A webinar regarding the GE-NFL Head Health Challenge is scheduled for Wednesday May 22 at 3:00PM ET. The session, aimed at further engaging the scientific community, will focus on Challenge I, which offers up to a $10 million award for a proposal that would advance the understanding and diagnosis of traumatic brain injury. Participants will include DR. KEVIN GUSKIEWICZ, Chair, Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a member of the NFL Head, Neck & Spine Committee, and MARK A. PHILLIPS, Chief Marketing Officer, GE Healthcare, HealthcareSystems.  Interested participants may register by clicking here.

In March, GE and the NFL announced the Head Health Initiative, a four-year, $60 million partnership to improve the safety of athletes, members of the military and society overall.

To learn more about the Head Health Initiative, visit


The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention presented the NFL its Humanitarian Award at the organization’s 25th Annual Lifesavers Dinner on May 8. The NFL was recognized for its work to “encourage help-seeking behavior among its players” through its establishment of NFL LIFE LINE, as well as its support of neurological research “that will benefit countless people throughout the country who suffer from brain illnesses and need treatment.” 

“We know that one of the best ways to prevent suicide is by encouraging those who are struggling with a crisis or feeling depressed to seek help, but too often many people fear reaching out because of shame or embarrassment or because they just don’t know where to turn,” said ROBERT GEBBIA, executive director for AFSP. “This is why the NFL LIFE LINE is so important. It provides a confidential support system specifically for the NFL family.”

NFL LIFE LINE is a free, independent and confidential phone consultation service and website developed and manned by third-party mental health professionals. NFL LIFE LINE provides support to all members of the NFL family in times of need and is administrated by a group of national mental health experts. Several former NFL players – including BRETT FAVRE, MICHAEL IRVIN and HERSCHEL WALKER – recorded video messages that encourage fellow players to seek help and recognize they are not alone in addressing mental health issues. To learn more, click here.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education, and advocacy as well as reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. For more information, visit

AFSP President David Norton (left) presents the Humanitarian Award
to NFL Senior Vice President of Player Engagement Troy Vincent.
(Photo courtesy of


Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback RONDE BARBER recently announced his retirement. Looking back at his career with Sports Illustrated’s Peter King, Barber commented on his playing style.

"I think I was smart in how I hit people. I absorbed tackles,” said Barber.  “I wasn't like a missile out there. I absorbed the tackles, kept my head out of there, wrapped up the ballcarrier, then just got 'em on the ground. I was a smart player. I didn't dive at guys very often.”

For more information on the NFL’s health and safety work, please visit 

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