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Networking With a Purpose

Establishing and Growing Business Relationships

Often times we underestimate the power of networking. Whether you're just getting started, transitioning, or trying to move up the ladder, your network can play a significant role in your efforts.

It’s a good idea to start with the “low hanging fruit”…the people you already know. Share your career aspirations with them and ask that they keep you in mind should opportunities come their way for which you might be a good fit. Be sure, however, you explain to them - in advance - the types of opportunities you are seeking. It’s wise to fill them in on your qualifications as well.  Don't assume just because you know someone, that they are aware of your professional abilities. Your career is too important to leave anything to chance.

Look beyond your existing network and attend networking functions that will help you cultivate new relationships.  There’s no shortage of networking opportunities out there, so choose wisely in order to ensure the best spending of your time. Knowing the types of people who are most likely to attend certain functions will help you identify the types of events that you should attend. It will also enable you to develop a game plan to increase your chances of meeting the “right” types of people who can help you realize your career aspirations.

Work the room.

When you’re in a networking setting – by all means work the room!  If you attend an event with someone, don’t be afraid to step away and introduce yourself to people you don't know. That’s the point of networking….to meet people you don’t know.

There’s a natural tendency for people to spend time talking to those they came to the event with, already know, or with whomever the group talks to collectively. Step outside of your comfort zone and introduce, or re-introduce yourself, to someone. Don’t wait on someone else to introduce you; you may very well miss an opportunity that way. There’s no room to be shy when you are trying to establish yourself.

Say hello.

Introduce yourself with confidence. Be prepared with a short and sweet statement on who you are and what you do (or aspire to do).  “Hi I’m {your name} with  {company/organization name} or {description of what you do}.”

If the situation presents itself, be prepared to discuss in more detail. Be mindful, not everyone will want to hold a long conversation. Particularly if the person you’re speaking with has come with a networking game plan of his/her own.

Maintain eye contact, it shows interest, and give a good handshake. No one likes a “wet fish” handshake. If you’ve ever received one, you know exactly what I’m talking about. By the same token, no one likes to have their hands crushed either. Whatever you do, don’t stand there with your hand out-stretched to “force” a handshake.  Because, well, that’s just awkward.  Be mindful in some cocktail settings, not everyone will want to shake hands, especially if they have just sanitized them to enjoy appetizers. Head nods and fist bumps have become increasingly acceptable--and popular in this circumstance.

Follow up.

One of the key elements to networking involves understanding the importance of follow up. A quick email or handwritten note immediately after meeting someone goes along way in establishing your network. Networking doesn’t end there. You must cultivate a relationship with the contact in order to establish a viable network. Otherwise you end up with shoeboxes full of business cards and no real connection to the contact.

Make every effort to keep your contacts fresh. If you’ve met someone that you’d like to stay connected with, drop them an occasional email on a topic that might interest them, invite them for coffee, ask for an informational phone interview, etc.  Be relevant and timely with your correspondence. It’s good form to have established a rapport with someone before you need to ask for his or her help.

To that end, it’s important to recognize that networking is a 2-way process; try to give as good as you’d like to get. Both parties should bring value to one another in a way that is meaningful in order to sustain and grow the relationship.

Next Up: When it’s time to move up, or on


The NFLPE Women's Community "Defining Your Career" series offers useful and practical advice for boosting your career at any stage. Check back every two weeks for new articles and share your perspective in the comments.

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