NFL Player Assistance and Counseling Service*
Resources that make your life easier!
Emotional Strength:
Get up to 8 face-to-face counseling sessions per issue per year at no cost to you for mental health issues, including personal relationships, alcohol and substances of abuse. Active players are subject to the NFL Drug Policy and Personal Conduct Policy and must seek treatment for related issues through these policies. Confidential – managed by Cigna, not the NFL.
Personal Strength:
Find information and providers in your area to help you with childcare, parenting, senior care, adoption and education resources. Plus, if you need legal assistance, we’ll provide you with a free 30-minute consultation – plus get up to a 25% discount on usual fees.
Financial Strength:
Talk with a qualified financial services specialist and get a free in-depth financial needs analysis and access to 30 days of financial coaching at no cost. In addition, you can get 50% off on tax preparation when you take advantage of this service.
For access information for all the Assistance and Counseling Service, contact the NFL Player Benefits Dept. at 800-635-4625, prompt 2 or go to the Engagement Zone
*Services available to all benefit-eligible NFL Family members, regardless of medical plan coverage.

NFL Player Insurance Plan
(The following services are available to all Active, eligible retired players and their covered dependents.
NFL Personal Health Care Team: Get the Support You Need to Improve Your Lifestyle
With the NFL Personal Health Care Team you’ll have access to dedicated health coaches who can provide support for the following chronic health conditions:
- Asthma
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Depression, Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder
- And many more chronic health conditions.
The coaches can help you
- Create a personal care plan.
- Understand medications or your doctor’s orders.
- Identify health risks that affect your condition.
- Make educated decisions on your treatment options.
- Know what to expect if you need to spend time in the hospital.
- Improve your lifestyle by coping with stress, quitting tobacco use and/or maintaining a healthy weight.
To access the Personal Health Care Team, contact the NFL Player Insurance Plan Customer Service Center at 800-635-9671, prompt 7.

The gold standard in prenatal care.
By signing up for The Healthy Babies program, you can help lower the risk of premature birth, reduce your wife’s chance for a high-risk pregnancy and contribute to the health of your wife and baby. By enrolling, you will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket pregnancy-related expenses of up to $600 if you enroll in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, and $300 in weeks 15-28. To sign up, call 800-635-9671 prompt 6.
24 Hour Health Information Line: call 24 hours a day to speak with a Cigna Nurse about any health issue or to access a health information audio library. 800-635-9671 prompt 9.
Benefit Questions and Support:

League Office – NFL Player Benefits Dept & Retired Player Customer Care Center 800-635-4625, prompt 2
- General Information for Active & Retired Players
- NFL Player Severance Pay Plan
- NFL Former Player Life Improvement Plan
- Joint Replacement Benefit
- Discount Prescription Drug Benefit
- Life Insurance Benefit
- Assisted Living Benefit
- Medicare Supp Benefit
- Spine Treatment Benefit
- Neurological Benefit

NFL Player Care Foundation
The Player Care Foundation (PCF) is an independent organization dedicated to helping retired players improve their quality of life. PCF addresses all aspects of life – medical, emotional, financial, social and community, providing programs and assistance in each area. For more information, go to http://www.nflplayercare.com/ or call 1-800-635-4625 prompt 1

NFL Players Association General Benefit Information
Contact Number: 1-800-372-2000
Retired Players -- Email: nflparetiredplayers@nflplayers.com
Benefits -- Email: nflpabenefits@nflplayers.com

NFL Life Line
Confidential support for the entire NFL family from professionals who are trained to assist individuals in personal or emotional crisis and connect those individuals with the support they need. Call (800) 506-0078 or go to www.NFLlifeline.org

Ready to take charge of your finances? Money Management International can help!
- Free Credit Counseling
- Free Debt Management Assistance
- On-demand Financial Education
- Confidential and Compassionate Services
Call today at 866.756.0182 to schedule your free counseling session or go to MoneyManagement.org/NFL. Counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investor Education Foundation and the National Football League (NFL) have teamed up to assist NFL players in avoiding investment fraud and making informed financial decisions.
Visit www.saveandinvest.org/NFL or call FINRA at (202) 728-6964.

All Pro Dad
NFL Player Engagement continues to partner with All Pro Dad, an organization that serves as a valuable resource in the development of both players and coaches in their important off-the-field roles as father and husband. The mission of All Pro Dad is to help men become better fathers by establishing family as a top priority in life and by promoting principles for building marriages and raising children. http://www.allprodad.com/