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Writing a Good Cover Letter: It’s Not About You

By Greg Simpson
Lee Hecht Harrison 

Are you searching for a summer job or internship? Well, your cover letter is the first impression that you’ll make on potential employers. In the article below, talent solutions company Lee Hecht Harrison gives some tips on how to convince companies that you’re the right candidate for the job.

What’s the meta message in your job search correspondence? Do your cover letters and emails convince readers you have the skills, expertise and attitude needed to help the company achieve its goals? Or do your letters inadvertently create an impression that’s self-absorbed or – even worse – arrogant?

In the Harvard Business Review article, “Don’t Anesthetize Your Colleagues with Bad Writing,” Byran A. Garner identifies some of the common weaknesses he’s noticed in business writing. While all should be considered when composing job search-related correspondence, one of the most significant weaknesses is the overuse of the personal pronoun “I” – a mistake that can definitely knock job seekers out of the running.

To learn more about Lee Hecht Harrison and how they can help you, click here.

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