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What Does It Take to Be a Successful Director Of Player Engagement or Intercollegiate Athletic Professional?

By Angela Charlton, Ph.D.
NFL Player Engagement 

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” ― Benjamin Disraeli

Directors of Player Engagement and Intercollegiate Athletic Professionals are in a unique position to do just that. At this year’s NFL-NCAA Life Skills Education and Professional Development Summit held in Charlotte, NC, the NFL Directors of Player Engagement (DPEs) and Intercollegiate Athletics Professionals discussed this among many other topics. TheSummit is a partnership between the NFL and the NCAA focused on identifying and outlining the synergies that exist between NFL Player Engagement Directors and Intercollegiate Athletics Professionals.

So what does it take to be a successful DPE or Athletic Professional? Most agree that the key is maintaining and establishing a relationship. Relationships need to be established not only with the players but with the coaches as well as other individuals at the club or collegiate level that may interact with the players.  Developing a successful relationship involves mutual trust and respect.  Arthur Hightower, DPE of the San Diego Chargers, states, “Being able to build relationships is the key to developing mutual understanding with your players, and everyone involved with Player Engagement. Relationships must be fostered and nurtured daily to keep growing and evolving. I want to know my players, just as much as I want them to know me.”

During the summit other key issues that DPEs and Intercollegiate Athletics Professionals encounter was also discussed. Supporting athletes through transitions seemed to be a hot topic. Some of the issues that individuals face during transitions could include financial issues, different emotions, relationship challenges, time management, and identity issues. The DPEs and Athletic Professionals shared best practices and programming ideas in those areas.

One thing that was agreed upon by all is that being a DPE or Athletic Professional is a rewarding experience. Arthur Hightower states it best, “As a DPE, I am proud of being able to engage in the lives of the players and families that are involved with our organization on a personal and professional level. There is no greater satisfaction that seeing the maturation of the players that maximize the opportunity to play in the National Football League.”

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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