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Prep 100 Series Houston

By Austin Moss
NFL Player Engagement

On March 30 – 31, 2013 NFLPE held their third PREP 100 Series Presented by Under Armour in Houston, TX. On field activities were held at the Houston Texans Methodist Training Center at Reliant Park and the classroom development sessions were held at the local JW Marriott. Texas is one of the top three NFL talent producing states, therefore NFLPE felt that it was critical to host the PREP 100 Series at one of our two Texas NFL organizations. When we proposed the opportunity to the Texans organization, they graciously approved and provided great support throughout the planning and execution of the event.

On Saturday March 30th, athletes and parents/guardians eagerly arrived at the Houston JW Marriott, some arriving as early as 6:30 a.m. (two hours before registration). As parents ushered their young men through the doors for what they assumed to be another regular overcrowded camp not worth the $100 investment, their perspectives were quickly changed. Laid before them were PREP 100 Series welcome signs, volunteers providing assistance with the registration process, media and press rooms,  pre-packaged Under Armour and Gatorade products for the athletes, and NFL printed materials for all participants to use throughout the weekend. The layout and structure alone gave a small inclination to many that the NFL PREP 100 Series was going to be a lot different than the “typical” football camp experience. 

After registration and the welcome by the PREP 100 Series staff, the morning session got under way as the student-athletes and parents were directed to their four respective breakout rooms. By the end of the first two sessions, I could overhear comments from parents and athletes stating the following: “Wow I didn’t realize the average NFL career was so short,” “I had no idea being an Official was so hard,” “I never knew my son had to meet a specific core GPA requirement,” and “I really have to start paying more attention to my child’s Twitter account.” It’s comments such as these that reaffirm the effective structure and invaluable information provided to not only athletes, but their main influencers as well.

As the morning classroom development sessions concluded, participants ate lunch and prepared to take the field. The Houston event featured talent from all over the state of Texas and surrounding states, including Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Alabama. Needless to say, the athletes were anxious to compete and prove who the best of the South was. In the South, the game of football is the most coveted and important sport throughout the region and it couldn’t have been more apparent with the high turnout of participants in spite of the holiday weekend. The on-field competition displayed on both sides of the ball lived up to the hype that comes along with Texas football. As a whole, the group made tremendous strides in improving their technique and displayed tremendous passion, work ethic, and teamwork through the duration of the camp.

From the surveys and personal testimonies provided by athletes and parents, it was clear that the Houston event exceeded all expectations. NFLPE’s expectation is to leave a memorable impression powerful enough to change behavior, decision making, and ultimately lives. Regardless of if these athletes make it to the NFL or not, it is our hope that we assist them in becoming better young men and equip them with the necessary skills both on and off-the-field to be successful in life. This is the new standard, vision, and purpose, and we will continue until the battle is won. 

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