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NFLPE 1-on-1 Interview with Kansas City Chiefs Player Engagement Assistant Rahman Anjorn

PE: What is your role at the Chiefs?

Anjorn: As the current Player Engagement Assistant with the Kansas City Chiefs, I’m part of a two-man system helping our players transition into and out of the League. As a team, BJ Stabler, Manager of Player Engagement, and I assist with the transition from student-athletes to professional athletes, which includes giving them support and equipping them with the tools and/or resource’s to succeed on and off the field.  With our veteran players we assist with their long-term goals; we help to enhance their resumes, set up job shadowing opportunities and/or internships during the offseason. We also support and encourage the continuation of their education; we currently have players in grad school programs. Their collegiate classmates have a substantial advantage in the work force outside of football; we do our best to decrease that gap. Our goal is when a player is signed to the Chiefs organization, we aspire to assist with the enhancement of them becoming a well-rounded professional athlete on and off the field.

PE: What are your day to day tasks?

Anjorn: My day-to-day tasks can vary at any given time. My day can start with me contacting Danez Lockhart, the NFLPE’s liaison with all teams for continuing education to alleviate class registration issues and then move to me preparing materials for our licensed clinician to orchestrate one of our weekly Rookie Success programs. There are some days where I may find myself just sitting and talking to the guys about different everyday life stressors and helping to provide insight for a decision one way or the other. I believe our department and my role is one that really adds to the man off the field for each and every guy in our locker room.

PE: What’s your educational background?

Anjorn: I find myself in my current role after earning my Bachelors in Exercise Science from Georgia Southern University, three hours south from where I grew up right outside of Atlanta, GA. After completing several internships, I made the decision to go to graduate school at the University of Central Florida in the DeVos Sports Business Management Program. As one of the leading sports management programs, the DeVos program offers students the opportunity to earn their Master in Sports Business Management (MSBM) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA).  This curriculum provides a unique, team-based, business approach and a global sports network in a hands-on environment. I knew very early in graduate school the route that I wanted to take.  I did whatever I could to surround myself with people that I thought I could grow and learn from. I was intrigued with the NFL Player Engagement department. While there, I was assigned a mentor in my field of choice. I was fortunate enough to establish rapport, take advice and bounce ideas off of Robert Morrissey, current Director for the NFL Player Engagement Department in New York. Mr. Morrissey gave me scenario after scenario to decipher both within the Player Engagement world and in my own life while attempting to complete graduate school and one day work in that realm. That opportunity came to fruition after connecting with BJ Stabler. My interactions with him were both genuine and informative.

PE: What are your career aspirations?

Anjorn: My goal is to one day run my own department for a franchise within the league. This is something that I plan to do for decades to come. The Chiefs are an amazing organization with an abundance of exceptional people diligently working in a cohesive manner. I love everything about the organization and I plan on being here as long as possible.

PE: What advice would you offer to others looking to follow your career path?

Anjorn: My advice for anyone looking to get into a career in sports is to visit the website Thousands of jobs go up every day in the world of sports. Networking can also assist; a great networking tool I recommend is Keeping your resumes and profiles up to date on websites gives industry executives a great way to see a snap shot of your experience and skillset. Continuing your education, whether graduate and/or attending training seminars and/or conferences relevant to your career path, is important.

I decided to get my second degree to build on my education with attending the DeVos Sports Management Program. I am currently looking into my doctorate to continue my education. In regards to working in Player Engagement specifically, I advise working on the collegiate level in a student-athlete developmental role. My time as the life skills coordinator and academic advisor for the student-athletes at New Mexico State University post graduation worked out phenomenally for me and helped with my transition into the professional arena. Also, I recommend seizing all opportunities to gain experience. Internships are a great example. Many are unpaid but the experience and knowledge you gain is priceless.

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