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NFL PREP Super Bowl XLVII Sports Career Expo

By Austin Moss
NFL Player Engagement

On January 28th, 2013 NFL Player Engagement and Why Not Sports joined together for the 2nd annual Super Bowl Sports Career Expo in New Orleans, LA. This one-day sports career conference for high school student-athletes provided an inside look into the sports industry from stand-out professionals in a range of sectors in the business of sports.

The program was kicked off by inspirational rap artist Saul Paul who performed a variety of his original songs to energize the students for a fun-filled day of learning. The morning schedule featured Super Bowl XLIV Champion David Tyree as the keynote speaker who stressed to the kids not to go through life living with a VOID (read about David’s speech here). The acronym stood for having a VISION, seizing the OPPORTUNITY, making the INVESTMENT, and due DILIGENCE. It was a powerful speech the challenged the kids to pursue their dreams with purpose. There was also a panel discussion titled “Sports Professionals Who Make Decisions Off the Field,” which featured a distinguished list of dynamic sports professionals. They all shared their stories of how they made it to their current position in the sport industry and offered advice on achieving academic as well as professional success.

During the afternoon session, students participated in a college fair in which they received enrollment and scholarship information from over 15 college institutions across the region. They also participated in a NCAA “Dangers of Sports Wagering” presentation given by NCAA Assistant Coordinator of Enforcement Suzanne Brickell and former Arizona State basketball player Stevin “Hedake” Smith. The last presentation of the day was the “You Make The Call” session presented by representatives from the NFL Officiating Department and Super Bowl XLVII referee Jerome Boger. Select students were able to review NFL plays from the past season and use their judgment to make the call. It was a very interactive and engaging session that the students thoroughly enjoyed. Overall, the expo accomplished its goal of educating students on the various career opportunities in sport and provided a fun, interactive learning environment. We look forward to hosting our next expo in a city near you!

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How can one accomplish this task of motivating or inspiring a generation to overcome the existing obstacles in life? My simple answer is to JUST SHOW UP! I did so and shared my life experiences through the acronym "V.O.I.D.S"