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Get to Know the PREP 100 Coaching Staff - Ladell Betts

By Robert Winston

What does the world truly know about Player Engagement’s new PREP 100 coach, Ladell Betts?  They may know that he spent nearly a decade playing in the NFL, accumulating over 3,300 yards and 15 rushing touchdowns, but it is what doesn’t show up on the stat sheet that makes Ladell Betts such an integral part of the Player Engagement team.

Ladell’s character, experience, and love for the game has enabled him to become an incredible influence for these young, impressionable student-athletes as they prepare for the next step.  A man who highly values education, Ladell has been an inspiring leader and mentor, as well as being as insightful as those who teach in a classroom.  His excitement towards learning and football has created an atmosphere filled with high energy that the student-athletes have been able to harness and display throughout the various programs.  From day one, Ladell has made it a mission of his to create a difference in the lives of these student-athletes, and that is exactly what he has been doing.

Ladell has had success with previous coaching experiences on the field, but we, at Player Engagement, are thrilled with what he is capable of doing off the field. 

1. Give us a little bit of your history... Where did you grow up? What did you do as a kid? What were your aspirations other than being a professional football player? 

LB) I grew up in Kansas City, Kansas.  My father is one of 12, so it’s fair to say I have a lot of cousins.  As a kid, I was very active. I spent most of my time outdoors with my cousins and other neighborhood kids.  We did just about everything you can think of: kickball, hide-and-go-seek, baseball, football, basketball, and riding bikes.  As a kid I quickly realized I had a gift for sports, but I also had a gift with numbers.  Mathematics came easy to me, so I thought about being an accountant if football didn't work out for me.   

2. What college did you attend and why? What did you study?

 LB) I attended the University of Iowa. I chose Iowa for a few reasons: they were the first school to recruit me as a sophomore, I had another high school teammate already at the university, and it was close to home so my family could come watch me play.  It was also far enough away that my parents couldn't just pop up, which while in college is a terrifying prospect. I started out as an actuarial science major, but switched to economics.  I later finished with a degree in Recreational Sports Management.    

3. What have you been doing as a new career after your NFL experience? 

LB) Post-football I have ventured into coaching on the high school level and have also been a part of NFL Prep 100 Series.  I really enjoy being around the game and having a chance to teach the fundamentals, while also being able to impact young men’s’ lives.  

4. What is your proudest non-football related accomplishment?

LB) My proudest moment outside of football is being a father. I have three beautiful little girls age eleven, two, and nine months. They definitely keep my wife and I busy!  It's the hardest, and the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life.

5. What has been the most rewarding aspect of working with the NFL Player Engagement Department and the PREP 100 Series?

LB) The most rewarding aspect of NFL Player Engagement and Prep 100 is...  Being able to make a difference on and off the field for many high school players across the country.  To watch the light bulb go off in a kid’s head as we speak of life and wisdom. Also, to see kids get scholarship offers because of the exposure of being at a Prep 100 event is amazing as well.  I'm looking forward to working with NFL Prep 100 for many more years as we continue to make this the Premier High School Platform in the country!


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