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“A Knight’s Tale”: One-on-One Interview with Eric LeGrand

By Austin Moss
NFL Player Engagement

On September 12, 2012 former Rutgers football standout, Eric LeGrand, participated in a one-on-one interview with NFLPE. Eric was a standout defensive lineman for the Scarlet Knights and played a significant role on their defensive line and special teams. During his junior year, Eric was running down field on what appeared to be a routine kickoff coverage. Little did he know it would be a play that would forever change his life. As Eric attempted to tackle the opposing ball carrier his helmet rammed into the runner’s collar bone, causing him to suffer a severe spinal injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down.

Since the accident, Eric has been relentlessly working in rehabilitation sessions to achieve his goal of walking again one day. He is also using his story to motivate, uplift, and inspire others to persevere through whatever struggles life may bring. His faith, courage, and passion have captivated the world and driven him to tell his powerful story in his new book, BELIEVE. Eric took time out of his busy schedule to chat with NFLPE about his inspiration behind writing the book, his road to recovery, his future goals, and much more! 

NFLPE: What was your inspiration behind writing BELIEVE and what can readers expect to take away from your book?

LeGrand: My inspiration to write the book Believe was to really inspire a world of people; I try to inspire people on a daily basis for what I go through every day and how I handle it. Through my struggles and adversity I'm trying to make this world a better place with my positivity and purpose on my mission to get back on my feet. I want readers to come away inspired to be the best they can at whatever they are doing and realize that life is great.

PE: An injury like yours is not uncommon and could happen to anyone at any level of sport. What advice do you have for those athletes that are going through a situation similar to yours?

LeGrand: I would tell them that their purpose in life is for something else other than sports and whatever that injury is they can help so many other people in the process, especially people dealing with the same thing. You have to continue to fight for what you want and believe in when times are hard.

PE: Since your injury, what has been the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome?

LeGrand: The biggest obstacle that I have to overcome is not being able to take care of myself on a daily basis and having to have people do almost everything for me. I was very independent before my injury and now I have to develop patience and sometimes wait on other people to do something for me. I probably will never grasp on to that 100% but I am adjusting to it. With my story being so nationally exposed it has opened the door for many opportunities, such as becoming a future sports broadcaster and a motivational speaker. I have been able to meet so many people that I have watched over the years.

PE: We have a large audience of high school student-athletes that are preparing to make the transition from high school to college. What was your biggest challenge when making the transition and what advice would you give them as they make theirs?

LeGrand: The biggest challenge was learning to be on my own and manage my time in order to get everything done that I needed to and becoming a man. Finding new friends, which is not too hard especially for me because I was on the football team, but meeting other people could sometimes be a challenge but I definitely overcame that. I would tell them to be ready to adjust to a new life and face new obstacles, especially their sport and their academics. Also, make sure they are ready to learn new things and experience them and how to handle them.

PE: What characteristics did you build as a student-athlete that you currently use in your everyday life?

LeGrand: I learned how to manage my time and make sure I handle things with business before pleasure so I do not get caught up not getting my responsibilities done. I learned how to become a great role model for all people that look up to me and to be their source of inspiration when they need it.

PE: What made you want to finish your education even after suffering such a tragic injury?

LeGrand: Getting a degree should be the most import thing in a person's life for their first 22 years and sometimes even longer. Even though I got injured I will never stop my education until I get my degree because without that it is very hard to make it in this world and learn the things that you need for when you join the business world.

PE: What are your future plans and aspirations?

LeGrand: I'm going to continue my broadcasting career and get better ALL THE TIME especially once I get my degree because that is when it is time for the big league. Also I want to travel the world sharing my story and motivate other people to be the best they can be.

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