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A Crucial Catch: NFL Readies for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Melissa Schiller
NFL Community Relations

The NFL, its clubs and players are proud to support the fight against breast cancer. The campaign, "A Crucial Catch," in partnership with the American Cancer Society, is focused on the importance of annual screenings, especially for women who are 40 and older.

Throughout the month of October, NFL games feature players, coaches and referees wearing pink game apparel, on-field pink ribbon stencils, special game balls and pink coins - all to help raise awareness for this important campaign. All apparel worn during the game by players and coaches, along with special game balls and pink coins are auctioned off at NFL Auction (, with proceeds benefitting the American Cancer Society. Breast Cancer is a problem that has directly touched the lives of so many in the NFL family, and we are committed to helping make a difference in the prevention of this terrible disease.

NFL teams work to extend the national platform with local efforts, and this is where we need your help!

The NFL and ACS have worked to extend A Crucial Catch to the youth and high school level again this year and you can get involved by taking advantage of the special resources provided. With help from USA Football and NFL coaches including, ANDY REID, Head Coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, we are asking youth and high school football coaches nationwide to join in a unified stance with the NFL to help create a world with "less breast cancer and more birthdays." 

There are a number of ways youth and high school teams can participate in A Crucial Catch. The Youth and High School Initiative Tool Kit (link below) includes specific information local teams and their fans can use to participate in the program. All teams are encouraged to show their support throughout the month of October by joining the NFL and the American Cancer Society's efforts to fight breast cancer and save lives.

For more information and to access the Youth and High School Initiative Tool Kit, please visit

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