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Next Chapter: A New Game?

For many former players, the next career does not include wearing “7 stud football cleats” or launching their bodies into others at high speeds. 

But for those transitioning out of the NFL into the next chapter of life, transferring experiences and skills that were learned during their playing days can be the key to a smoother and rewarding transition. 

I spent 10 years in the NFL and planned for my future by being involved in many Player Engagement programs as a current and former player. Even with all the preparation, I struggled during my transition with self-doubt, uncertainty, and mild depression. 

There were days where I felt stuck and pride held me back from asking for help. A mentor helped me realize that I didn't have to create something out of nothing. It was about leveraging who I am and what I have done into something that I was passionate about.

I have been building a non-profit organization called Beyond the Locker (BTL) for the last three years. The mission is to help youth and athletes have better self-awareness, empower them with a strong sense of self-worth, and teach life skills through sports. 

My efforts with BTL mirror my efforts while playing in the NFL by helping youth in the San Francisco area reach the next level of potential in their lives. BTL also trains professional athletes on how to work in the area of youth development.

In 2013, BTL expanded its influence by providing a Summer Academy for over 500 youth and by training Endicia’s national sales force for the first ever BTL Corporate Training Camp serving at-risk youth in East Palo Alto, CA.

So what’s next for me?

I have been recognized as a finalist for the first ever John C. Maxwell Award for my leadership in the community.  I am looking forward to continuing my work as an NFL Ambassador and Transition Coach and developing my platform as a motivational speaker to corporate, community, and athletic audiences. 

I continue to serve communities and help my peers reach the next level in life and view it as an honor to be given the opportunity to make an impact on so many lives.

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