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Got Faith?

Research confirms what most of us have always believed: We have a greater sense of well-being when faith plays an important role in our lives. That faith can take many forms. It may be a strong belief in a loving God or a feeling of connection to something larger than ourselves. It may be experienced and nurtured through prayer, meditation, or the practice of mindfulness. A recent survey showed that NFL players are more likely than the general population to have faith as an important part of their lives—and that’s good news for not only their spiritual health, but also for their mental health.

Faith or spirituality can be an important factor in improving our mental and emotional health and smoothing out the bumpy patches on the road of life. Participating in faith traditions can provide a sense of belonging and purpose, especially if we think of ourselves on a greater mission to love others and positively affect those around us. Faith provides a sense of hope that even when times are tough, our careers aren’t going as we had planned, our families are being torn apart, or health concerns overwhelm us, things can and will be better.

Many times, prayer, meditation, and spiritual counsel get us through these tough times, as they help us find the strength to persevere. But sometimes factors outside the bounds of our spirituality are in play. These challenges may require the care of a mental health professional, if we are wise enough to seek it.

When we are physically injured or sick, we seek the best medical treatment available to speed our way to recovery. Why, then, do we not do the same when it comes to our mental and emotional health, especially when problems persist for more than a few weeks? Perhaps it’s because it can be difficult to acknowledge—even to ourselves—that something isn’t right, or we believe that seeing a mental health professional is a sign of a weakness.

Every day, mental health professionals help millions of people—executives, scientists, engineers, and yes, professional athletes. They help people work through all kinds of challenges, like struggling with relationships or responsibilities at home or at work, feeling down or irritable, no longer finding pleasure in life, having frequent outbursts of anger, or experiencing overwhelming anxiety that keeps them from enjoying life. Seeking mental health care doesn’t mean you’ve lost your faith or spirituality; it means you’re treating a condition that requires professional care—and that makes sense.

For the entire NFL family, connecting with mental health care is as simple as making a phone call.

Any member of the NFL family going through a personal or emotional crisis can contact the NFL Life Line for immediate, free, confidential support from trained professionals—24 hours a day, seven days a week, throughout the year. The NFL Life Line is independently operated by leading crisis center experts, so no confidential information about individual calls or callers is shared with the NFL, its teams, or any other organization. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the NFL Life Line at (800) 506-0078 or chat online at You can also take a self-check quiz to see how you can benefit from resources at

In addition, the NFL Player Assistance and Counseling Program, operated independently by the NFL’s health care provider, Cigna, offers an array of services for NFL family members who are navigating difficult situations. From child care to elder care, Cigna’s dedicated staff of personal advocates are available 24 hours a day to provide confidential guidance and referrals that can help with any concern. This program also offers 8 free confidential counseling sessions per issue a player or his family member may be dealing with.   These services are available to anyone who lives in the household of eligible current and former NFL players. To learn more, just call (866) 421-8628.

We’re all on the same team in the journey to total wellness. Faith and spirituality can work together with professional treatment and mental health support to build strength and promote recovery. By calling on both, we can put ourselves back on the path to success. Don’t wait. It’s as easy as picking up the phone.

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