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Do’s and Don’ts for Embarking on Your Career Transition

Lee Hecht Harrison 

NFL Player Engagement Has a relationship with Lee Hecht Harrison, a talent solutions company focused on delivering Career Transition, Leadership Development, Career Development, and Change Management solutions. Through this relationship, current and former NFL players can receive one-on-one coaching sessions with Lee Hecht Harrison to help them put together resumes, practice interview techniques, learn the most effective methods for searching for jobs, and various other career development and transition skills.

In this article, Lee Hecht Harrison provides tips and things to avoid when transitioning into your next career.

Welcome to Lee Hecht Harrison!  You’re in a time of transition.  It can be challenging, but it’s also a great time to consider all the possibilities in front of you. Do you want to transfer your skills to a new industry?  Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to explore other career options, including retirement?

You have available to you one-on-one individual Coaching sessions with a Lee Hecht Harrison Career Coach to help you define your goals, develop your plan, and decide your future.

Between now and when you engage in LHH Service, here are some simple, yet helpful suggestions to consider:


  • Stay calm. Don’t panic. Your life is changing. And this change has great potential to lead to a satisfying opportunity
  • Be easy on yourself. Don’t blame yourself. This has happened to millions of people.
  • Tell your family and close friends what is happening. You will need their support and help now and during your search.
  • Review your finances to see how long you can afford to be between opportunities. If finances look tight, seek advice – and get started with your LHH services as soon as possible.
  • Take good care of yourself during this transition. Changes usually cause higher stress levels. Watch your health, get plenty of rest, exercise, and eat properly.
  • Recognize the major changes in the world of work. You may need different plans and strategies than those that you have used in the past.
  • Take advantage of your career transition services through Lee Hecht Harrison. The sooner you start working with LHH, the sooner you can make a successful transition.


  • Be critical or say negative things about your former organization. Being negative will only reflect badly on you and could hurt your chances of finding new employment.
  • Base your plans on rumors. During times of change, rumors abound.
  • Go it alone. Talk to former co-workers for information relevant to your transition. You may also be able to help friends who are in career transition.
  • Begin your job search until you are properly prepared. LHH will assist you in planning and conducting the most effective search possible.

For more information on Lee Hecht Harrison, visit

If you are a current or former NFL player who would like to take advantage of Lee Hecht Harrison’s services, contact your Director of Player Engagement or call the NFL Player Engagement department at 855-4PE-2472.

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