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Davis Pursuing Acting Career

Posted by Teresa Varley
February 28, 2013 – 2:00 am

Former Steelers running back Carey Davis has always had an interest in the movie business, taking acting classes in both high school and college and even doing some theater productions while still at the University of Illinois.

But football was a passion of his, and when he was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts in 2004 and later went on to play three seasons for the Steelers (2007-09), acting was placed on the backburner.

Now that his football career is behind him Davis is pursuing a career in acting, and will be among 22 current and former NFL players taking part in  the second annual NFL Pro Hollywood Boot Camp at Universal Studios in Universal City, California, from March 11-15.

“When I got done with football I was weighing my options and thought acting would be a good opportunity for me,” said Davis. “I was always interested in theater, film and movies. I never really had the opportunity or time to focus on that aspect because of football. When you are playing football that is your main focus and your main goal is to train and prepare for blitzing linebackers. That is where my focus was. Once I got done playing there was an opportunity and I jumped on it.

“This boot camp is the type of deal where they are helping the people who are looking to expand their career or go in a different direction other than football. I am pretty excited about it.”

The boot camp, which is being conducted by NFL Player Engagement and Film Life Inc., a New York based film production company, will cover a wide range of topics relating to the movie industry, including screen writing, directing, producing and film financing.

“I definitely believe those aspects will help as far as acting goes,” said Davis. “It’s always good to know what the director or coach is looking for so your performance on screen can be better. I am definitely going to look into that and learn as much about that aspect, as well as the others. It’s an opportunity to do something you love.”

To read the entire blog, click here.

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