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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Tony Paige, Former New York Jet.

Tony Paige was drafted by the New York Jets in the 6th round (149th overall) of the 1984 NFL Draft. Paige’s career spanned from 1984 to1992 and played for three different organizations; New York Jets, Detroit Lions, and Miami Dolphins. 

Throughout his career, Paige was known as a true bruiser and earned a reputation as one of the best Fullbacks in the league.  Paige has carried that same mentality in his post professional football career and is a successful father, husband, and sports agent.

As Executive Vice President of Perennial Sports & Entertainment, Paige is able to gain the trust of his players because he’s been through the process and is very familiar with the landscape.  More importantly, what differentiates Paige from the rest is that he values strong character, faith, and family and he instills those same values in the clients he represents. Some of his many clients include Cam Newton, Lance Ball, Markelle Martin, and Kris Jenkins.

Through the years, Tony Paige has gained a notable reputation as a renowned motivational speaker with experience in leadership training for corporations, sports conferences, and universities. Paige also coaches youth football and gives back to the community by mentoring children in the D.C. area. Paige resides in Maryland with his wife, Tonya, and two children, Taylor and Tony Jr. Check out our interview below to learn about his Faith, Family, & Football.

PE: Why is faith important to you?

Paige:  Faith is important to me because it has always been the centerpiece of my life.  My mother and father were people of strong faith, and they encouraged my brothers, sister, and I to be people of strong faith as well.  It also gives me a blueprint of how I should live my life as a humble servant of Christ. 

PE: Tell us about your family and the impact they’ve had on your life?

Paige: My family is a blessing from God.  I am married to Tonya Paige, and we have two children, Taylor and Tony Jr.  My wife and children have impacted me in many ways, allowing me to carry out my duties as a man, husband, and father.  

PE: What does being a father mean to you?

Paige:  Being a father means loving, caring for, and providing for your family.  It means going the extra mile to do what is needed for your family to be stable, comfortable, and happy no matter what. 

PE: How has your faith and family helped you develop off the field?

Paige: My faith and family are my core and my backing.  Without faith and family I would not be able to get through life day to day or be the man that I am.  Faith and family pick me up when I fall, show me where I need to improve and help me grow so that I can have success and true happiness.

PE: How do you balance faith, family, and football?

Paige: I always keep faith first, family second, and football last.  While this is true, I still balance faith, family, and football by not separating them from one another.  Though they are three completely different things, I always make sure to keep them connected.  I do not hide my faith when dealing with football matters.  I include my family in my faith and football.  I know that the only way I can keep faith, family, and football strong is to keep them connected. 

PE: What advice would you give to student athletes and current professional athletes in regards to their faith, family, and football?

Paige: I would advise current student and professional athletes to keep their faith, family and football intertwined.  One should always keep their faith first because even when family and football are gone, God is here.  An athlete should talk to his family and teammates about his faith and encourage them to build upon their faith.  An athlete should be an example on and off the field to their teammates of what God wants us to be.  I would also advise an athlete to give all of the glory to God on the field.  Without Him the athlete would have no athletic gifts.

Learn more about Tony here.

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