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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Quintin Demps, Current Houston Texan.

Why is Faith important to you?

Demps: Well, this is such a broad question I would have to first give the word Faith a definition. There are quite a few different definitions for the word Faith, but a very practical one I like to use is…Faith: Believing and living as if everything written in the Bible is true.

With that said, Faith is important to me because I live a life devoted to Jesus Christ and this is the only thing I can offer to please God. The bible says in Hebrews 11:6 "but without Faith it is impossible to please God"(NKJV) and that is truly the essence of why Faith is important to me. It’s the only thing I can offer to a Holy God; not my works, not my self-centered prayers, not my sacrifice. Nothing I do can please God if it is not done by Faith.

Tell us about your Family and the impact they've had on your life?

Demps: Wow. I am so Grateful for my family, especially my wife. She was my high school sweetheart and is truly a gift from God. There is nothing like having a friend, a warrior, a Christ centered wife, to go through the ups and downs of life with you.  It’s indescribable… she truly is my better half.

My 3 children are also a wonderful blessing to my life and I’m so grateful for them.  They are all alike, but yet so different. I see glimpses of myself in all three of them. Being a husband and father are the two things in this life that will make you more Christ-like than anything else.

My family impacts every area of my life; socially, mentally, and physically. It doesn't matter what kind of day I’m having, how low on the depth chart I may be, or what coaches and critics say about me because  to them daddy is the best at everything and that’s what keeps me going.  With my family and Jesus I have Peace.

What does being a father mean to you?

Demps: Being a father is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. The responsibility and sacrifice its takes to not only be a father, but also be a dad to my children means everything to me. I grew up without a dad for the most part and there are still things that I’m healing from to this day because of that. As a result, I understand the role that a dad can play in a child's life and I want to make sure I’m just that for my children.

As much as my babies see me as a blessing, I believe they are more of a blessing to me than I am to them. There are times when I’ll be teaching or training them…then I contemplate on what I may have just explained or showed them and I hear the Holy Spirit whisper "that’s the exact thing I’m saying to you Quintin." 

Being their dad is extremely important to me and I hold it very dear to my heart to give them what I never had from mine. With that said I hold no grudges with my dad because having a family and doing it the right way really takes a special man. I see now why my dad was not able to do it because it is hard, very hard. So pops, I forgive you wherever you are.

How has your Faith and Family helped you develop off the field?

Demps: Well for me there is not much difference with my Faith on the field as there is with my Faith off the field. I don't leave Jesus at home when I play on Sundays; He is with me there as well. I make a conscience effort to incorporate Him and His word in every area of my life. Is it a challenge? Yes. It is very hard not to walk by sight in the NFL and I have by no means perfected it, but I try my hardest.

Living by the word of God and truly living to please Jesus has made me who I am, and my family only chisels at that piece of clay even more. I tell the young men I'm walking with "that living to please God will save you a bunch of unnecessary hardship; it will save you money, build your integrity, and keep you humble." I tell them this from first-hand experience. I've tried living like the bible wasn't true and I've tried living like it is true and I’ve come to find out the hard way that it is very TRUE.

How do you balance Faith, Family and Football?

Demps: I hate clichés (ask my wife, she’ll tell you) and I try my best not to use them, but sometimes they are necessary and I believe that this is one of them. I balance Faith, Family and Football by trusting in Jesus and living according to His word. I hate to come off as if I’m not being authentic or just writing the correct things to say, but this truly is the only way I can balance them. The bible says in Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you"(NKJV).

Truth be told, balance is overrated. You will never be able to balance anything pertaining to these areas because one will always be greater than the other depending on the season of your life. For example, during the off season Faith and Family trump football, but during the season football trumps everything. Sad reality but I do try my best to balance things out and am currently praying on guidance on how to do it more effectively. 


What advice would you give to student athletes and current professional athletes in regards to their faith, family, and football?

Demps: Again such a broad question, because the advice differs if the athlete is married or single. Smile. In all seriousness I would encourage them to live a life that pleases God, and go after Jesus with all their heart. Study His word and everything else will take care of itself.

Also, living for Jesus does not mean He will make you a first round draft pick or get you into all kinds of pro bowls, so please do not come to Him for material things.  Go to Jesus for Jesus. I can’t promise you a great easy life, but I can promise you the best relationship you've ever had. Unlike any coach, family member, or friend He will never leave you nor forsake you. This is not just something I've read, it’s something I've experienced and am currently experiencing this minute. 

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