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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Michael Boulware, Former Seattle Seahawk and Houston Texan.

PE: Why is Faith important to you?

Boulware: My faith is based on my relationship with Jesus.  I believe that he lived, that he was perfect, that he died, and that he rose from the dead and is alive.  I know that my faith in Jesus is a gift from God and I am very grateful. There are a lot of people who have heard the same story and do not believe.  I know that my faith is a gift from the living God, it is the most important thing I have. There are a lot of things that I don't understand in the Bible, but because God said it, I believe it and I try with all my heart to do what he says.  Sometimes I fail, but Jesus paid the price when he died and gave me something that I do not deserve and could never get on my own; and that is salvation.

PE: Tell us about your Family and the impact they’ve had on your life.

Boulware: I was raised by my parents and was the youngest of 4 children; two brothers and one sister.  They are at least 7 years ahead of me so growing up I was able to watch and learn from their mistakes.  I also learned from the good things they did as well.  It was and still is like having a cheat sheet to life.  

They all received full athletic scholarships and earned degrees from Division-1 Colleges so I knew I had to do the same.  My oldest brother, Raleigh, attended Georgia Tech, won a Football National Championship, and earned an Electrical Engineering degree.  My sister, Kala, attended Notre Dame and became a Doctor. My younger older brother attended Florida State, won a National Championship in Football, and earned a degree in Computer Science.  He also was the 4th overall pick in the NFL Draft and a 5-time Pro Bowler.  My father is one of the best Cancer Doctors in South Carolina and my mother raised us all while owning her own business.

From watching their lives —I was able to realize what it takes to be successful and know that I could be whatever I wanted.

PE: What does being a father mean to you?

Boulware: My immediate family with my wife and kids is a humbling experience.  I currently have 3 kids and one on the way.  Being a father has done something very special for me.  It has strengthened my love and respect for my heavenly father, because now I see that when God says no to me it is for my own good even though I do not understand. Just like when I have to say no to my kids or make rules that they don't like or understand.

I am very grateful that God has given me children because I know there are some men that cannot be a father. Plus, it's just a lot of fun.  Sure there are some things that wear me down, but it is so worth it.  My kids are the best investment that I have and they are so worth it.

PE: How do you balance Faith, Family, and Football?

Boulware: This question is kind of tricky.  My faith is like air to me.  It’s always with me and I am constantly using it, needing it, depending on it, trusting in it. I'm never without it; I never have enough of it and am always learning from it.  It is the thing that is helping me balance family with football.  The key to winning in any area of life is to have God as the helm and have everything else submitted to him.  Then the Holy Spirit will lead you into how much time you spend on any one thing.  The only thing that I cannot get enough of is Jesus.  Everything else, if used in the incorrect amount, will lead to sin and to death.  

PE: What advice would you give to student athletes and current players in regards to Faith, Family, and Football?

Boulware: The advice that I would give is to keep Jesus first and give him your very best. Be all about advancing his kingdom through whatever he has you doing i.e. school, football, and family. Matt 6:33 

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