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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Lennie Friedman, Former Denver Bronco, Washington Redskin, Chicago Bear, and Cleveland Brown.

PE: Tell us about your family and the impact they've had on your life?

Friedman: My family has been the cornerstone of my life.  My wife, Katie and I, have been married for twelve years and we have 3 children; Sayde 10, Connor 8 and Ella 4.  Katie has been my confidant, advisor, and strongest support.  She has always had the strength to steer me in the right direction if I start veering off course.  (I will try not to be overly sappy, but she is the love of my life). 

Further, I am one of 4 siblings and my family has always been very close.  My Parents encouraged me to participate in athletics my entire life and instilled a tremendous work ethic both on and off the field.  They came to nearly every game in college and the NFL.  My family has been a great resource for honest opinions.  There are times when friends and advisors will not always tell you the hard truth but a close family should.  I have been fortunate to have such a family.

PE: What does being a father mean to you?

Friedman: As a father, raising a family is the most lasting impact an individual can have.  Soon after retiring from football, people will forget about the games you played, wins/losses, highlights and mistakes on the field.  However, your family and the future generations you are helping shape as a parent will continue to have a very powerful and positive impact on life.  As a father, my wish is to provide my children a loving and fun life that will instill the skills needed for them to succeed at whichever level they desire.  Sports in my opinion are a great way to help instill the needed skills.  Athletic competition, will teach children the importance of discipline, hard work and the incredibly important skill to succeed after failure. 

PE: How has your faith and family helped you develop off the field? 

Friedman: For one, having a wonderful family and support network is important for everyone.  They are there to share in successes and the inevitable bumps in life.  Being a husband, father, son and brother always grounds me to what is important.  Upon retiring, my family supported me when I entered business school and has been tremendously supportive as I build my next career. 

PE: How do you balance faith, family, and football?

Friedman: Balancing is not always easy.  To succeed in college, the NFL or in the business world requires a significant amount of time and dedication which can pull you away from family.  That is why having an open and trusted relationship with your spouse is so important.  Leaning too heavy on either one can detract from the other.  I wanted to have both a strong and loving family and a tremendous career during and post the NFL.  I rely on my wife to keep me inline….

PE: What advice would you give to student athletes and current professional athletes in regards to their faith, family, and football?

Friedman: Whether in school, football, business or life —surround yourself with people you can trust and will give you honest advice in good times and bad.  Make sure the people that are with you, are there for you and not for the sport you play. It is very important to have friends and family around you that will be a positive influence and who are not afraid to tell you when you are wrong.

Finally don’t rush into marriage or parenthood. People feel pressure to move fast. Take your time; there is a lot of life to live.

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