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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Donovin Darius, Former Jacksonville Jaguar & Miami Dolphin.

PE: Why is Faith important to you?

Darius: Faith is important to me because I realize that without it there is no true purpose for living.  We live in a generation where there are so many interpretations of what it means to have faith, but to me faith simply means to believe and trust in someone or something and what they said or intend to do. In other words, Godly faith is trusting the character of God and His commitment to perform His word and promises. When I read about the nature of God and His power and then read what He says about me, I can’t help but to be overwhelmed with joy.  I find peace in knowing that I have faith in a God that knows everything, has all power and loves me more than I can imagine. That’s why faith is important to me…because I love the one who forever loves me more.  

PE: Tell us about your Family and the impact they’ve had on your life.

Darius: I have a wonderful family. There are two divisions to my family; my intermediate and extended. First my intermediate family consists of my three daughters (10, 12 and 14 years old) and a stepson who is 20 years old.  They’ve had a major impact on me through the gifts of life that God gave me in my children. I learned how to walk in love, kindness, joy, peace, longsuffering, and patience.  Having children also allowed me to realize the great privilege and responsibility of being a father.  I learned the impact that a Godly man can have not only on his family, but also his community, city, state, country, and nation. 

My extended family consists primarily of my mother, my three brothers and sister.  Through our personal journey from the inner city of Camden, NJ to Jacksonville, FL it was our commitment to one another that allowed me to understand my role as a shepherd of our family. I was not the only successful individual, but I understood my role and how my actions affected a group of individuals that supported me through my journey of life. I’m grateful for all the family members that have contributed to my life.

PE: What does being a father mean to you?

Darius: In my opinion, fatherhood is the most prestigious, vital and purposeful position that God can ever give to a man. When I think about the role and responsibility of a father, I think about the true definition of the word father. In the dictionary father means: the Source, the Sustainer, the Provider, the Protector and the Founder.  Understanding that God is all those things, I must be that to those that God gives me influence with.  These individuals may not be my biological children, but they are God’s children and I embrace the role of being their source of hope, encouragement and love.

I am the one who can sustain them with my consistent presence.  I am their provider in that I must develop them with truth and information that will help them to make the right decisions in their lives.  I am their protector from the ways and trends of the society we live in that celebrates material possessions rather than character. Lastly, I am the foundation. Based on my personal commitment of learning and growing in God’s ways, I can then model the way and encourage them to do the same. 

PE: How has your faith and family helped you develop off the field?

Darius: When I finished playing, like many others, I didn’t realize what my next steps were or my purpose in life. However, it was through that time that I prayed and continue to seek God’s will for my life that I began to fully understand exactly what His purpose was. I realized how the NFL gave me an opportunity to live out a dream and be seen by many for my actions on the field, but it was only a platform for the next chapter in my life. During that transition period my family supported me as God’s word of encouragement held me and gave me direction. After a couple years my vision became crystal clear. I developed my Life Training organization “Next Level Training & Performance and started the Donovin Darius Foundation.

Through that transition period I had a vision of a man running up steps which symbolized that there was always another level to our lives: athletically, physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually and personally. Since then it was my faith in God and the support of my family that allowed me to create programs where I travel around the country as a motivational speaker and coach to help others maximize their lives through character, athletic and spiritual development programs.

PE: How do you balance Faith, Family, and Football?

Darius: When I think of balancing faith, family and football three words come to my mind.  These words are actually the moniker of my organization, and they are: Purpose, Passion and Performance.  It is first the purpose of a thing or the reason why, that we do anything. As I look at my life, it was only when I understood the purpose and reason why I was doing something, that I was successful.  As a football player my purpose was to be in the best shape physically and mentally to give my team the best chance of winning.  My family purpose is to be a husband, father, friend and brother to help support and build up others.  As a child of God, my purpose is to model the character of Jesus Christ and to allow Him to guide me through the guidelines of His word.

Passion talks about how I live out my life. In football I had to passionately prepare in the classroom, on the practice field and on game day.  As a family member I had to value my family in such a way that at times I had to sacrifice my personal aspirations for the sake of others.  When I think about what Jesus endured because of His love for us, it was His passion that allowed Him to endure the pain of the cross. So when I find myself tired, misunderstood and weary I think about His passion and then I take “one more step”. 

Performance deals with the anticipated results of our preparation.  On the field I was able to have success because I was prepared. In my family I was able to succeed because I realized that I had to continue to learn and grow in the art of listening and communication. With my relationship with God, the more faith I exercised and obedience toward His word, the more I saw the effects of God’s ability and blessings in my life.  My life is now balanced only because I understand purpose, passion and performance.

PE: What advice would you give to student athletes and current players in regards to Faith, Family, and Football?

Darius: My advice for students and professional athletes would be to first let them know that they are amazing individuals with so much potential.  I would encourage them to understand that every trial and tribulation that comes against them in their sport, their relationships, and their lives are only here to build them and make them stronger.  In order to become physically strong athletes we have to lift weights, run hills, do intervals, and make a decision not to quit during these tough workouts. Well, to be stronger mentally and in our character we need stresses that we would not voluntarily put ourselves in. Therefore those challenges that make you want to give up, lose your temper, or curse someone out are only here to build your character.  Remember, a plane takes off against the wind (adversity) but it the same wind (adversity) that takes the plane and the people to its destination. We need adversity. We need balance. We need family and we need faith. 

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