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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Don Davis, former Patriot, Ram, Buccaneer, and Saint.

PE: Why is faith important to you?

Davis: I find that many people live by the motto of “I just want to be a good person.”  That is great, but what happens when difficulty and pain enter into your life?  It is my faith in God that helps me get through the inevitable heartache that comes with being human.  Faith is important to me because it is the only way I can make it through each day with a smile on my face no matter what happens to me.

PE: Tell us about your family and the impact they’ve had on your life?

Davis: On August 7th 2000, I married my best friend Yannette.  She is truly the love of my life.  I have two daughters Dominique who just finished her first year of college and Denay who is starting seventh grade in the fall.  These three ladies help me to live a life above reproach.  They are depending on me not only to provide but to lead. 

PE: What does being a father mean to you?

Davis: Being a father is one of the greatest gifts in the world.  However, it has tremendous responsibility.  I am responsible to steward, shepherd and serve those who have been placed under my care.  I am thankful for my two girls.

PE: How has your faith and family helped you develop off the field?

Davis: It is my faith that equips me, my family who encourages me and the experiences off the field that help to develop me into the man I am today.  I relied on each of these facets to help me grow and keep me motivated to improve.

PE: How do you balance faith, family, and football?

Davis: It is easy to put all your energy into your vocation and neglect the other areas of your life.  I make sure to carve out time for each of these areas daily.  I cannot say that my faith and family is important to me and then display behavior that contradicts what I am saying.  I believe that awareness is the key to having balance. 

PE: What advice would you give to student athletes and current professional athletes in regards to their faith, family, and football?

Davis: The preparation and dedication that it takes to be successful on the football field is almost second nature for most.  It is the other areas that tend to fall by the wayside.  I suggest players take some serious time to evaluate their lives and then create a plan that includes time with God and their families.  If you don’t make it a priority it won’t magically become one.

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