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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Brad Smith, Current Buffalo Bill.

PE: Why is faith important to you?

Smith: Faith is everything to me. It is the foundation for how I live and view life.

PE: Tell us about your family and the impact they’ve had on your life?

Smith: My family means so much to me. Growing up my family and I have been through a lot and that has given us such a special bond. Seeing them happy is extremely important to me.

PE: What does being a father mean to you?

Smith: Next to being a great husband to my wife, being a great father to my children is the most important job I have in life.

PE: How has your faith and family helped you develop off the field?

Smith: My family has kept me grounded and shown amazing support. They don't add pressure on me by asking for a lot of stuff. They show real love.

PE: How do you balance faith, family, and football?

Smith: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you."
~ Matthew 6:33

PE: What advice would you give to student athletes and current professional athletes in regards to their faith, family, and football?

Smith: Live by Matthew 6:33. That verse has everything we need to balance our lives and to be successful. 

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