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Thomas Welch Experiences The 9-5 Life at Merrill Lynch

By Team Engagement

Thomas Welch understands the importance of readying himself for life after his NFL career. To prepare for this inevitable transition, the fourth-year Buffalo Bills’ offensive lineman completed a six-week internship with Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Provided by NFL Player Engagement’s Career Development Program — which partners with businesses to offer professional development training — Welch’s internship familiarized him with the job requirements of the financial industry. A Vanderbilt graduate with a degree in Economics, Welch recently spoke about his experience with Player Engagement.

Player Engagement: Why did you decide to apply for, and ultimately accept, this internship position with Merrill Lynch? 

Welch: I wanted to get a better understanding of the financial industry because I might pursue a career in finance after football. Also, I wanted to learn more about wealth management so I can make more informed decisions with my own finances.

PE: What was a typical work-day like, and what were some of the challenges? How might your NFL playing experience have helped you to succeed in this role?

Welch: It was a 9-5, suit-and-tie, everyday job. I would arrive in the morning, review the market news and activity from the day before, and check if there was going to be important announcements or meetings that day (FED minutes, jobs reports, etc.). Then, I would usually meet with my boss to go over what was happening in the economy and how it would possibly affect the markets. After we met, I would continue to research investment tools, funds, and managers to put together my hypothetical portfolio proposal.

My NFL experience helped me understand that there is never one answer or one easy way to accomplish anything. Each day was different and challenging on its own, just like every football play is challenging with something unexpected. You must adapt along the way to have a successful day at work or a successful play on the field.

Every day, I set a goal of what I wanted to accomplish at work and I strived to achieve that. Likewise, every day at practice I set a goal to work on one thing — whether it is technique, position, or strategy — and I try to make that a strong point of my game for that day.

PE: As you know, the NFL’s Rookie Symposium took place at the end of June. In addition to your internship with Merrill Lynch, you have participated in the Business Management & Entrepreneurial Program at the Wharton Business School. What advice would you give to NFL rookies about participating in the programs offered by the NFL Player Engagement Department?

Welch: The biggest thing I would say is to take advantage of these opportunities. If you can better yourself off-the-field and continue to learn, it will also help you on-the-field. Participating in these programs has given me such confidence in my abilities in a business setting that I am no longer worried about my NFL career being cut short. I know I am going to be successful outside of football, and that mindset is helping me to play football more relaxed and more aggressive than I ever have before.

PE: Personally, how have you benefited from the programs and resources offered by NFLPE? Why do you think it is important for players to take advantage of these opportunities available to them?

Welch: I have made so many great contacts and learned more in these programs than I did while I was in school. I have also gained confidence in my abilities to make a difference outside the lines. I am confident my future career is very bright and I am thankful I had these opportunities. Players should take advantage because it helps put things in perspective. Life after football is longer than life in football, and we need to prepare ourselves for that transition. These programs start you in the right direction and open up doors that can shape the rest of your life.

PE: How will you use this experience to further develop your post-NFL career?

Welch: I will use my experiences and knowledge to make a difference and lead a business or businesses to extreme success. My contacts will help me along the way and hopefully will join me as we develop something that helps everyone.

PE: Reflecting on your experience, is this program something you would recommend to your peers?

Welch: Absolutely. This was one of the best experiences I have had as an adult. I look forward to taking advantage of more of these opportunities, as well as encouraging my teammates to do the same.

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