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Redskins players pursuing master’s degrees in the offseason

Washington Post
By: Sarah Kogod

The NFL offers a tuition-reimbursement program for current and former players who want to further their education in the offseason or after retirement, and at least two Redskins players are taking advantage of the opportunity to get degrees.

Running back Roy Helu Jr., who had an undergrad degree from the University of Nebraska, is looking to pursue a master’s degree with help from the NFL’s program.

“I’m looking at some online courses and trying to see what exactly I’m going to take,” Helu told me. “But I’m definitely trying to take advantage of that. It would be silly not to take the help, especially those of us who aren’t making the big money.”

Helu isn’t exactly sure what degree he’ll pursue yet, but the devout Christian is leaning towards religious studies.

“I’m looking for some type of theological doctrine, or something like that,” he said. “I think right now I just am interested in learning about the Bible more. It’ll be interesting. It’s my first time doing it, but I’m just looking for some formal education.”

The program is available to current players with at least one credited season and to former players with five credited seasons, one of which has to be 2006 or later. Fullback Darrel Young started his master’s degree in sports management two years ago and is trying to finish it using the reimbursement program.


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