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Rookies Enroll in Benefit Program at Symposium

NFL Player Benefits has introduced an interactive online process for first-year drafted players to enroll in the NFL Player Insurance Plan. The online tool provided an automated approach to enrollment and encouraged rookies to take personal responsibility in managing their healthcare.

During the Rookie Symposium, AFC and NFC players alike were extremely cooperative as they received their first exposure to the NFL Player Insurance Plan and benefits available over the course of their career.  They accessed the online enrollment tool using iPads to enroll in coverage, provide details on eligible dependents and designate beneficiaries.  Following the enrollment they were educated on how to provide documentation to verify dependents and make future coverage updates.

Keeping in line with current trends in the move to a “paperless” work environment, the online enrollment proved a success and eliminated significant manual work and follow-up from prior years.  As the 2013 NFL draft class now prepares for training camp, they walked away with a great introduction to their insurance plan and their responsibility to understand and manage benefits appropriately. Better men…better players. Mission accomplished!!


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