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Player Engagement Department Built to Last as League Leader

As we all know, a structure is only as strong as the foundation upon which it is built, and the years of groundwork to establish the NFL Player Engagement (NFLPE) department have resulted in a rock-solid and essential department.

As I continue to assume my new role as NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations, I am buoyed by the belief that what we inherited and expanded at NFLPE is built to last as a League mainstay.

Although I have been blessed to assume a new position within the NFL family, my previous position the past few years as Senior Vice President of Player Engagement will always be part of me.

When I followed NFL Legend Mike Haynes as head of NFL Player Development (the predecessor name of Player Engagement), I was fortunate to follow an executive who had created a dynamic department that had already made a major impact on the mission of the League.

We then built upon this fantastic foundation to take the vision to even greater heights, specifically to serve our core player audiences under the three categories of PREP (Future), LIFE (Current), and NEXT (Former).

And as I learned from playing 15 years in the League, it’s all about teamwork, which always triumphs.

Our PE Team is still intact and continuing to take on the tremendous responsibility to serve, educate, and assist all of our audiences throughout their athletic life cycle.

Through our multitude of services and programs, beginning with Boot Camps and career opportunities and funneling right down to our PREP 100 Series, we strive to see success as the outcome for all.

For we recognize that their total wellness is what will lead to positive achievement in both their personal and professional life, leading us to fulfill our stated mission.

We teach transitioning smoothly from one phase of life into the next, so now as I myself transition into my new role right down the hall from my family at Player Engagement, I do so with complete confidence in the current and future state of the PE department.

I plan to practice what I have preached in PE these past few years, and am tremendously thankful to all with whom I have worked, while looking forward to continuing to contribute to the growth of the game we all love and all who have played it.

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