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Player Engagement Summer Interns Visit The New York Giants

By Kevin Callahan and Emily Myers
NFL Player Engagement

On August 24, we visited with the New York Giants to learn about Player Engagement on the club level. Upon our arrival, we were greeted by Director of Player Engagement Charles Way, who gave us a grand tour of the Giants’ facility. Everything—from the cafeteria to the locker rooms—was world-class.

After our tour, we sat down for a conversation with Charles and Ashley Lynn, the Giants Player Engagement Coordinator. Almost as soon as our conversation began, a Giants player appeared at the door. Here was a perfect example of the differences between the League and the club. Though both organizations work to serve the best interests of the players, Player Engagement at the club requires significantly more day-to-day player interaction.  Because of this, as Charles and Ashley explained, in order to be an effective Player Engagement professional one must always be ready and available to assist the players and their families.

Charles and Ashley then provided us with an overview of their engagement programs. The creativity and ingenuity of these programs really stood out. Ashley is currently designing a “Money and Manicures” program—a financial education workshop for players’ spouses that will also offer manicures as an incentive. In addition, the Giants constantly tweak their programs to match the needs and interests of the current team. For example, one off-season, several Giants players got married, so Player Engagement orchestrated a marriage and relationships workshop.

As Charles noted, “You have to continually evolve your programs in order to be successful.” The constant evolution of their programs not only keeps players attracted to programming, but also ensures the organization addresses its players’ needs. 

In addition, as a means to build relationships and develop trust, Charles and Ashley take on different roles within the organization. While Charles helps coach the Giants running backs, Ashley often assists the community relations department. Expanding their roles allows them to be a continual resource for players.

After speaking with Charles and Ashley for a bit, we had the chance to sit down with former New York Giants offensive tackle Kareem McKenzie.  We gained valuable insight into the life of a football player by listening to him speak about his experiences during his days in the NFL as well as those after he retired.  Hearing an insider’s perspective on player issues allowed us to further understand why the NFL and its clubs work to develop programs that focus on player health and wellness.

Though we were only there for a few hours, it did not take long to see what makes Charles and Ashley successful Player Engagement professionals. After visiting with Charles and Ashley, we realized their creativity and ability to establish trust makes their Player Engagement department one of the most respected in the National Football League. The advice we received will be extremely helpful as we move forward in our own Player Engagement careers. 

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