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Officiating Academy Adds Potential Career Path

Engagement Insider

BALTIMORE, MD March 18, 2014 – There are certain career paths for former NFL players wanting to stay in the game, and one occupation that is taking off is officiating.

To accommodate this growing trend, the second annual Football Officiating Academy (FOA) Fast Track Clinic was held in Baltimore over the weekend, featuring one current player and 14 NFL legends being hosted by fellow former players who completed last year’s inaugural clinic and are now officiating at various levels of football.

In combination with the Tom Beard Football Officials Clinic, this year’s class was selected by the NFLFootballOfficiatingAcademy and NFL Player Engagement, who sent legends and department employees James Thrash and David Tyree to speak to the group.

“The event was absolutely amazing since it allowed legends from last year to reconnect with this year’s group as they explore new opportunities to stay close to the game in careers other than coaching, scouting, or front office,” said Thrash. “David and I also talked together about the transition we all experience, and how through our PE programs and resources, we will walk alongside them down this path.”

Tyree was also enamored with what the FOA can offer in conjunction with PE’s mission.

“We appreciate that becoming an official can carry with it a potential long-term career, and one particularly positive area of this Academy is that former NFL players with their inherent wealth of football knowledge have this fast-track opportunity to excel quickly,” he said.

To teach these players how to make their mark, the Academy combined both off-field and on-field activities, according to Thrash.

“The first day was a classroom setting with an introduction to football officiating and how to get started with mechanics, expectations, and the like,” he noted. “Then on Saturday, they got on the field with rotating crew assignments that gave them a snapshot into officiating, which provided helpful exposure in all areas.”

Additionally, the group got to hear from experienced officials like Super Bowl XLVIII Referee Terry McAulay, who delivered the keynote address.

“We were pleased that this event presented the resources to pique the interest of each attendee in wanting to learn more about this opportunity,” added Tyree. “We also drove home how meaningful this career can be in their community, which was a win-win for what we do in Player Engagement.”

Thrash concurred that this type of event is the perfect venue to promote all that Player Engagement provides.

“In addition to remaining close to the game by getting out on the field, becoming an official protects the integrity of the game by bringing out the passion of our former players.”

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