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Tom Kowalski: NFL Continuing Education Program Pioneer, Remembered

For over 20 years, Tom Kowalski spearheaded the NFL Continuing Education Program and assisted thousands of players in their quest to pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees. He served as a liaison between the NFL and the college and university academic advisors. Working behind the scenes, Tom developed degree completion plans for active and former players, and served as a resource in all matters concerning continuing education.

In June, Tom passed away after a five and a half year battle with Multiple Myeloma and in his final years he was an ambassador educating others about living with this disease. He graduated from DePaul University in Chicago and was a member of multiple sport, academics, and diversity oriented organizations. Tom was the beloved husband of Diane (nee Schneider); father of Tommy, Drew, and Alli.

Tom truly cared about the players with whom he connected. Never once looking for a pat on the back or an opportunity to be praised, Tom’s mission was to improve the graduation rate of NFL players so that their options were limitless once they left the League.

Tom was a true pioneer in this field and as a result, the NFL has the most robust continuing education program in all of professional sports. From the number of current and former players that return to the classroom each offseason to the number of players who “walk” and earn their degree, the NFL Continuing Education Program is the standard to which professional sports leagues can aspire.

A few people were kind enough to share their thoughts on Tom and his accomplishments:

“The NFL Continuing Education Program was a tremendous help for me to discover what I wanted to do after my playing career was over. I felt that the programs that I participated in were the reason why I was able to adjust so well into my post playing career.”  - Mark Bruener, former NFL player and 14-year veteran, and now a current scout for the Pittsburgh Steelers

“Having served in Player Programs, Player Development, and now Player Engagement over the last 18 years I have had the opportunity to work with some ‘extraordinary people,’ Tom Kowalski is one of those people. His unwavering commitment, passion, and willingness to personally assist every NFL player in their degree completion process is unprecedented. Tom and his staff made the ‘real dreams come true’ for players’ families by creating the stage for them to experience their loved ones ‘walk across that stage in cap and gown’ to receive their college degree. That doesn’t happen without Tom’s expertise, focus, and above all else, patience! Tom helped all of us make good on our promise to help our men graduate. Tom Kowalski will be dearly missed but never forgotten!” – Lamonte Winston, Director of Player Engagement for the Oakland Raiders

“From the first day I met him I knew he genuinely cared about the athlete as a total person and wanted to do everything he could do to help them work towards and complete their degree.  He had a keen sense of when guys were ready and when to give them a little push.  I remember a few times where he was in a locker room and would hand me the phone and on the other end would be a former Bruin who was ready to work towards their degree.  Tom was always kind and considerate and willing to help any way he could!” – Mike Casillas, Director of Student-Athlete Counseling for UCLA

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