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Never Give Up

By Leger Douzable
Defensive End, New York Jets

"Just another team bonding event" was what I was thinking when I found out that the team was going to see the play Black Angels Over Tuskeegee in New York City during Training Camp. Boy was I wrong. Not only was it an excellent play but it was also a life-changing experience.

Black Angels chronicles the Tuskegee Airmen and the trials and tribulations they endured in order to fly planes in the Army. The play focuses on a group of six young African-American men who all had dreams of becoming Army airmen. In pursuing their dreams, they were presented with many extremely difficult obstacles and challenges that did not apply to their Caucasian counterparts.  It was a common thought of many people that African-Americans lacked the intelligence necessary to operate planes.

Entry into the pilot training program was no easy task. It required the candidates to undergo several rigorous and unusual tests. Failure in completing any these requirements meant denied acceptance, thus the loss of a lifelong dream of flying.

Through all these tests and with people telling them that they wouldn't be able to do it, they never wavered and kept the faith in their abilities and themselves. They were determined to keep moving forward to reach their goals. They were finally admitted into the training program and were very successful in many missions.

While watching this play I couldn't help but see the comparisons between the New York Jets and the Tuskegee Airmen. People feel like we don't have a shot this year, but we remain persistent and continue to work hard every day. Our first game was evidence of what could happen if you continue to press on. 

As the Tampa Bay Buccaneers took the lead 17 to 15 with 34 seconds left, many people believed the game was over, but we believed in ourselves and each other. Our offense was able to drive the ball down the field in three plays, putting us in field goal range with seven seconds remaining. Our field goal unit took to the field and added three points to put us on top.

Our team unity and our will to never give up got us the victory. Similarly, the Black Angels never gave up on their dreams.  We didn’t quit or give up hope and it paid off.  So instead of seeing what I thought would be a boring play, it was a great lesson on the importance of perseverance.

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