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Honoring Lives at the Super Bowl

For the fifth straight year, MADD talked to Super Bowl media center attendees about the dangers of drunk driving, the importance of underage drinking prevention, and MADD’s partnership with the NFL.

MADD CEO Debbie Weir observed a notable increase in traffic and interest in MADD’s presence this year compared to previous years, due in large part to Tennessee Titan and MADD volunteer Delanie Walker.

Delaine had a personal story to share.  His aunt and uncle were killed by a drunk driver just hours after watching him play in 2013’s Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans. They left behind seven children. Since then, Walker has given selflessly of his time to volunteer with MADD and prevent others from experiencing a similar tragedy. Delanie participated in more than a dozen media interviews in Phoenix, during which he shared his story and talked about the importance of planning ahead for a safe ride home.

“Delanie is such a down-to-earth, authentic and compassionate person,” Weir said. “When he speaks about his grief and the loss of his aunt and uncle to a completely preventable crime, he does so in a way that not only engages the audience, but also makes them want to do something about the issue. MADD could not have a better voice than Delanie Walker.”

It’s an especially important message, especially because in 2013, Super Bowl Sunday was the second deadliest time of the year for drunk driving deaths, behind only New Year’s Day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, half of all traffic fatalities on Super Bowl Sunday (and the early hours of the following morning) in 2013 were related to drunk driving, compared to 42 percent, or 46 deaths, the year before.

So remember, especially with St. Patrick’s Day coming up, no matter how you celebrate or who you cheer for, don’t ruin the day by getting a DUI or much worse. If your game plan includes alcohol, make sure you plan ahead with a non-drinking designated driver to help get everyone home safe after the game.

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