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It has been a little over two months since the NFL Rookie Symposium in Ohio. The atmosphere was jammed with excitement and everything football.  Drafted football players everywhere rushing into one another.  The Symposium is a platform of programs designed to assist newly NFL drafted players with their transition from college to the NFL.  I had an opportunity to speak with some of them as well as get a chance to call and speak with some of their moms.  I realized that all the moms had similar questions: When do we move? How do we get our tickets for game day? And what about the jerseys? Most of these questions were the same questions I had wanted answers to five years ago when my son was drafted.  So I could relate, and that lead me to believe that moms need a podium as well that will assist them as their sons transition into the NFL.  One thing for sure is that at the end of the day it all works out.  Meanwhile, I want to share with younger moms and friends who have younger sons playing football and encourage them to visit  Remember “knowledge is power.”     

When your son gets drafted to the NFL, for most parents, this is a dream come true. I know what it feels like to have your son’s name called at the Draft and to realize that there is a very strong chance he will be on an NFL team. To me it was so surreal.  I call it God’s blessing and one of the ways God has shown me how much he loves me.  The 2014 NFL season is upon us now and with all the excitement in the air, get your game gear and jerseys ready.  I reached out to some moms who wanted to share their experiences or send messages to their sons:

“The Moment you‘ve been waiting For” By Deborah Johnson (Son Jay Johnson #98 played for the Oakland Raiders)

It is so much fun to put on your jersey and proudly represent your son and his team in the stands.  My son was now at work and I had to find out when we could meet and where to pick up tickets. We quickly realized that it was important to get there the day before so we could be there when he had designated free time.  We learned the hard way that we needed to ask for passes that would allow us to get into the waiting area after the game. We quickly learned that the visiting team seats were in the “nosebleed” section so we needed to bring binoculars and a camera with a good long range lens. We also learned that some of the best gear is online but you may find some fun items when you are on the road.

Our son was drafted to the Oakland Raiders and they have a huge following.

We got to know the regular fans and they invited us to parties the night before the games and we had a blast tailgating with them all over the country. It has been five years since our son was on the team and we still hear from Raiders fans and we still have fun sharing memories from Jay’s time on the team.

Some things never change.

Just like in college, every stadium has its own policy for what you can bring into the stadium. It is important to check out the website to see what is prohibited and what you can bring in. We were delighted to learn that we could bring our favorite snacks in the Buffalo Bills Stadium as long as they were in clear plastic bag.  Trust me - it is a long way to walk back to the car when you are turned away because of a prohibited item.

It is fun to find the other parents in the stands and share stories and to cheer together. It is nice when you find a veteran parent who can answer your questions and help you to have an even better time. They often know all the great places to eat after the games, they have tips on the best hotels for the upcoming games, and they can tell you so much that you may not know otherwise.  There is a camaraderie that is really special amongst NFL families.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to just relax and enjoy the experience. Let all your family and friends know about and other official ticket brokers so you don’t become the local ticket agent.

“When distance separates” By Tenita Shannon- Gragg (Son Chris Gragg #89 plays for the Buffalo Bills)

Father, I thank you there is nowhere my son can go where you are not already present. Even though he is far from me, I rest in the promise that your arm is not too short to save.

Fill his heart with faith, because then he will be helped in every way and "shielded" by your power. Send your angels to help him, as you do for those who "inherit salvation."  I pray you will bring him new friends, who know you, and keep him from those who would lead him astray.

Give him a longing to be a part of "the family of believers" where he will be encouraged, helped, and blessed. Let every road he takes lead to you, Lord.

Yolanda Tate (Son Golden Tate  #15 plays for the Detroit Lions)

God bless and best wishes to my Son Golden in all his endeavors on and off the field.  I love you.

“Dreams Coming True” - Shirley Staten (Son Jimmy Staten #67 plays for the Seattle Seahawks)

This has been a lifelong dream of Jimmy’s that has come to pass giving much thanks to God so much success to you son press down shaken together and running over. Your mom, I love you.

“Game Day” - Dorothy Okung (Son Russell Okung #76 plays for the Seattle Seahawks)

Football season  comes with loads of excitement and festivities. Take the time enjoy the season, have loads of fun, and soak it all up,  May the best team make it to The Olympics of  football  - the SUPERBOWL.  Game day is here! See you in the stands.

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