Team Engagement
Saturday, April 27th – Day 2 of the NFL Franchising Boot Camp featured an exciting schedule designed to educate, engage, and expose the 2013 participants to the intricacies of the complex world we know as Franchising. Like most, the majority of our players and spouses in attendance possessed only a surface level knowledge of the industry. However, what they lacked in knowledge was compensated by their deep interest and willingness to learn every possible aspect about the industry. For those who already owned and operated franchises, it was an opportunity to further enhance their practices.
The morning started with a powerful presentation from University of Michigan’s Franchising Professor and industry expert, Mrs. Francine Lafontaine. Professor Lafontaine laid the groundwork detailing the wide scope of the Franchising industry and how it differs from other forms of entrepreneurship. In addition, she described the various types of industries where Franchising is used and provided the numbers regarding employment, sales, sectors, distribution, and turnover rates.
Throughout the rest of the morning and early afternoon, Michigan’s distinguished faculty members took turns presenting an array of information focusing on the areas of Franchise Contracts, Legal Considerations Beyond the Contract, and Information Sources & Due Diligence. From the presentations alone, you could clearly see how captivated the participants were. There was a wealth of knowledge gained, a number of thoughtful questions asked and detailed notes taken by both players and spouses.

After the morning session and lunch, boot camp participants departed The University of Michigan campus for local site visits to Qdoba and The UPS Store. With both companies being major players in the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) and Logistics industries, each location had its own set of unique operations and management strategies. This was critical for participants to see because it allowed them to gain knowledge on the processes involved when owning a franchise in different sectors. The respective franchise owner along with a team of employees was present to discuss the operational and managerial aspects of the business. After the site visits the group headed back to campus to pick up where they left off.
Next, was the Athlete Franchisee Panel, which consisted of Former NFL Players, including Angelo & Kim Crowell. Towards the end of his career, Angelo and his wife Kim decided to invest in Jersey Mike’s Subs and manage their franchises together. Having Kim’s perspective of managing multiple franchises as a business woman, mother, and wife was extremely powerful for participants to hear. The Crowells really emphasized how it truly is a joint decision between husband and wife when considering a career in the Franchising industry.
“Regardless of your involvement in the day-to-day operations, you have to be on the same page and have clearly defined roles in the household as well as the job”
said Kim Crowell.
The other two panelists were Don Davey (Firehouse Subs) and Tyoka Jackson (IHOP). The entire panel shared their personal experience of transitioning out of the league into Franchising and provided first-hand accounts of what a “Day in the Life” is like for them now. When asked to share advice with the Boot Camp participants, Davey and Jackson encouraged them to “make sure you have the personality to handle the lifestyle of a franchisee” and to “study the brand of the company to make sure your value system aligns with theirs”. The words of wisdom offered by the panel held a considerable amount of weight with the participants. The peer to peer connection is invaluable and by sharing experiences, it can provide hope and clarity when determining what and what not to do in your new endeavor.

After the conclusion of the afternoon/evening session, the team bussed over to Ann Arbor Cooks and participated in a team building cooking workshop. Here, participants were able to unwind and get to know each other while cutting, peeling, prepping, and cooking gourmet menu items for the evening. It was a great way to bond over common interest and work as a team to assemble a meal that would satisfy the appetites of all. Everything from the spring chopped salad to the sourdough, wild mushrooms & bacon bread pudding was a hit! We ended the night with a full stomach and brain filled with precious knowledge on what it takes to become a player in the world of franchising.
For more information about the Franchising Boot Camp, click here.