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A Father’s Role

Greetings! My name is Curtis Randle El, President of the National Football Players Father’s Association. If you have a son who is currently or formerly played in the National Football League, I want to congratulate you and your son on going to the next level. Let me give you a little history of the National Football Players Father's Association (NFPFA). 

The organization and has been in existence for 14 years and the founder of the organization is Mr. Samuel McNabb (father of former NFL player Donovan McNabb).  The NFPFA’s purpose is to provide guidance and moral support for you and your son as well as other football players who desire to have both an honest and positive male figure in their lives. The NFPFA mission is to work to assist our sons and mentor them in their professional and personal development to help their image and maximize their potential both on and off-the-field. Our goals are to assist our sons and mentor them in their charitable and community service efforts; provide a strong and positive presence in our local schools and nationally; as well as to encourage more men to get involved in this association to help meet our goals.

We encourage you to get involved! (

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