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2013 Pro Hollywood Boot Camp: That's A Wrap

Team Engagement
Closing Recap – Day 4/5

Thursday was filled with anticipation as players waited to see the final results of their efforts at the evening's screening. The morning began with a round panel discussion on Indie Filmmaking 101, led by the National Director of SAGIndie, Darrien Michele Gipson. Darrien first led the class in a candid and informative lecture on the financial realities and obstacles of creating a film via the established studio system, independent investors or with the latest trend of crowd-sourced funding. She also reminded players of the old Hollywood adage that "The easiest way to make a small fortune in the film business is to start with a large one..." An analogy which will hopefully make PHBC attendees take some caution and invest carefully while pursuing their ambitions.

Darrien was joined by William Morris Endeavor film finance agent Alexis Garcia, entertainment attorney Lisa E. Davis and actor/former NFL player Matthew E. Cherry who each shared their insights on breaking into the business, carefully selecting partners and aligning themselves for success. For many, famed director Peter Berg of Hancock and Friday Night Lights critical acclaim was the highlight of the day. Peter was on hand to deliver memorable stories of his Hollywood experiences, witty encounters with executives and his rise to the top as a widely-respected director. But above all, he showed players that all that was necessary to be a great director was a zen-like ability to focus your thoughts and quiet distractions, basic equipment and genuine collaboration from all of your crew and talent.

Back on the Universal lot, players were greeted by Pittsburgh Steelers minority owner and Legendary Entertainment Chairman and CEO, Thomas Tull who opened the film screening. Both teams delivered on the bravado and promises of victory and showed studio executives, media, NFL staff and crew tightly-edited, dramatic and hilarious films. In both projects, players leveraged the talents and charisma of their teammates. The verdict is still out on which team won, but readers can be the judge when videos launch on next week.

Tracy Perlman, progressive visionary and VP of NFL Entertainment Marketing and Promotions opened the mentor reception on the Universal lot and expressed her pride in participants for taking this step towards the entertainment community. Tracy also offered PHBC attendees a helping hand with production/PR internships post event and access to her wealth of knowledge and valuable time.

Roger Bobb, fresh off a 26-episode pickup, was so moved by the passion, talent and work ethic of the 2013 PHBC attendees that he offered all players the incredible opportunity to come out to his productions HQ in Atlanta for a 9-week production arc starting this very April. Erik LaSalle emphasized that "(NFL players) have been given the connections and opportunities following this event that people working in the industry for 20+ years haven’t yet had.” Once again, Myrl Shreibman showed to be the wise philosopher of the day offering that "You're in an industry of dreams, and you must let your passion push you past the barriers and into those dreams. It's the only way you'll succeed."

The closing dinner and reception was very celebratory and lasted well into the evening under the shadow of the Lew R. Wasserman building; echoing the moguls of the past, giving rise to the future. To wrap the program on Friday morning, NFLPE staffers reminded players of the many professional development and NFL Total Wellness resources available to them. And much to Alex Mack of the Chicago Bear’s chagrin…dragged them up the hill to Universal for one last Hollywood photo opp under the California sun…

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