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2013 Business of Music Boot Camp: Day 3

Team Engagement

Day 3 of the Business of Music Boot Camp started in the classroom and ended on a high note with some time in the recording studio and media lab.

The morning started with a conversation with Ramsey Dean and Nick Sciorra about How to Protect Your Interests.  From filing copyrights to securing trade secrets, participants learned about how to share their musical brand to the public, while protecting it from competition.

With almost two days’ worth of business plans stirring in their heads, participants got feedback on their visions from a familiar face. As a follow up to his Day 1 session, Josh Deutsch led another Business Plan Workshop and advised individual attendees on how to better present, execute, and follow up with their ideas. A vibrant discussion about each participant’s passions and visions ensued. While each attendee had a unique approach to their business model, Nate Palmer presented his in an unforgettable fashion as he broke out his musical alter-ego for a soulful serenade of NFLPE staffers and fellow attendees. And with such an eclectic array of talents, the doors of collaboration swung wide open.

After a short break, attendees picked the brains of some experienced music managers who have worked with the likes of Wiz Khalifa, Fall Out Boy, and Outkast. Benjy Grinberg, Jonathan Daniel, Tamika Stembridge, and Michael “Blue” Williams spoke about what it takes to make and manage a star in The Business of Music Management. With the attention of some Outkast fans in the audience, panelists were able to speak about everything from protecting your artists, being honest with your clients, and even the importance of having a fashion sense.

In the afternoon, attendees learned the importance of financing their music ventures in the Counting the Pennies workshop. The highlight of the session was a candid, riveting talk with the legendary music executive, Kevin Liles, former president of Def Jams records. Liles inspired attendees to use the same drive and motivation that propels them on the field towards success in the music industry.

“The financial, legal, and business aspects of the music industry aren’t necessarily the most glamorous, but having an understanding of these components is crucial to launching a successful music venture,” Chair of Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music, Jeff Rabhan, said. “Today’s panels provided great insight into these complex issues and gave participants the tools and resources needed to make smart choices as they pursue their music endeavors.”

Day 3 wrapped up with a session in the recording studio and media labs. Participants had the opportunity to experiment with Pro Tools editing software. They got familiar with the lingo and technical aspects of the recording studio, complete with a jam session.


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