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Prep News


NFL-Wharton PREP Leadership Program: Day One

The course, entitled The NFL Prep Leadership Program, is a 4-day long academically fueled camp which unites both the NFL and the Wharton Sports Business Initiative to distill the essence of “Leadership” and all of its facets into a package of experiences and tools which can be applied through the student athlete’s life.

What to Do on Your Summer Vacation

In the latest article from NFLPE partner Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), the national non-profit committed to developing “Better Athletes, Better People” explains how student-athletes can take a break from football over the summer while still staying connected to the sport and recharging their batteries for a strong return to the field next season.

Stay Sharp Over Summer

According to the New York Times, U.S. high school students lose, on average, about a “month” of math and reading skills during their summer vacations.